Tuesday, November 02, 2004

La Dia de Election

The vote's been cast. I didn't put my sticker on, but gingerly held it in one hand as I drove with the other. Upon returning home from the polls, I ran inside, pulled out my scrapbook materials, and selected a nice blue piece of paper to stick my sticker to (of course the I VOTED sticker will be making an entry in my scrapbook).

In Palm Bay High's mock student election, Kerry won by a landslide. I love ignorant kids who 1. don't think for themselves, 2. mimic whatever their parents say, or 3. just listen to who their teachers are supporting (let me tell you, I'm definitely in the minority amongst the faculty of PBHS in my Bush support). Now, if the mock election was won by Kerry because the students really took the time to get to know the issues and had they paid attention to the debates, then yeah, I can respect their decisions. But come on! That didn't happen. Oh well. (The ballots were cast in history classes and I know for a fact that three influential history teachers have been pushing Kerry all year. Did that influence votes at all? I wonder.)

Something funny: a kid made me a checker board out of stamps. It's hilarious, but I can't help but look at the checker board and count up all the 37 cents stamps that were wasted. Another student walked by and said, "Man, that's a lot of stamps. Aren't stamps like 40 cents or something?" Hmmm, apparently this student didn't understand what the big 37 on each of the stamps meant. I said, "No, they're 37 cents each. Don't you ever write any letters?" The student responded, "Yeah right! That's what email is for." Oh the beautiful art of letter writing is so lost.

Something else funny: I was telling my future problem solvers that their Future Problem Solving Bowl is in February. One student got ultra excited and said, "Awesome! We're going bowling in February?" I just didn't know what to say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see that checker board. What a cool gift! And money spent on cool art is not wasted. ;)
(Go, W!)

7:29 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

I failed to mention that the checkerboard was made from Disney stamps and Cat stamps. Can you believe it? He's pretty much my favorite student right about now :-)!

9:30 PM  

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