Thursday, June 03, 2004

Alias is 30!

June 2nd, 2004 was a BIG day...

My big brother turned 30 yesterday! (Happy Birthday, Alias! I love you!) My friend, Ryan, nearly died yesterday when a falling ladder sent him to the hospital! (Hope your head is less sore today, Ryan!) My little friend, Kelly, got her braces off yesterday! (You're smooth, Kelly!) My other little friend, Heather, was getting ready for her missions trip yesterday! (Go, Heather, GO!) And, my cats slept most of the day! All in all, it was a pretty eventful day. I, myself, have been thinking of the most fun jobs...EVER...and compiling a list. If I ever leave teaching, I want to have some direction. Here's my list, in no particular order.


1. Naming Hurricanes (This stems from my dream as a little girl of naming Cabbage Patch Dolls. Actually, naming anything would be great fun: streets, smoothies, crayola colors)
2. Selling T-Shirts and other misc. merchandise for a really cool band (This also could be paired with changing the strings inbetween shows for someone cool...say...Bob Dylan?)
3. Working in a smoothie shop (Free samples? Who wouldn't LOVE that? That's fun.)
4. Writing the blurbs on the backs of books (I think that would be kind of fun)
5. Shepherd (this might sound crazy, but I think it'd be really fun to spend loads of time with a bunch of sheep on a hillside somewhere...Preferably one without heat or wolves)
6. Cinderella at Disney World (I don't even need to say anything about this'd be mad fun!)
7. Personal Assistant for ANYONE on Alias (enough said on this one too)
8. Mail Carrier (the uniforms are fun and as long as I'd get a walking route in a somewhat cool climate, I'd be happy. Just being around the mail would be fun!)
9. Flight Attendant (a long time dream of mine...being based out of Nashville would be lots of fun. It's Music City afterall. Imagine all the musicians I'd be giving peanuts to!)
10. Being a caddy (You're an inspiration, Lonnie!)
11. Theological Consultant (Thanks for the idea, Ryan.)
12. Ice Cream Taster (Jed, good thinking!)

Well, that's it for now. I'll be back in a few days with another installment of The Mixmaster's Dozen (For instance: Things to Avoid: FAT FREE CHEESE! Goodness, I hate fat free foods. There's just NO need!). To my faithful friends, thanks for reading :-).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I GOT MY BRACES OFFF! today i was listening to switchfoot!!!!!! and i told my gma and gpa allllll about you and how we used to sing 24 :)
I miss you and heather!
Love, kelly

8:36 PM  

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