Monday, September 13, 2004

Happy Red Toes

Today was the first day back to school in 11 days (counting 2 weekends). I was actually quite excited to return! I missed my students, believe it or not. I stayed up until 11:30 last night (which is late for me on a school night) grading the last bit of essays and theme paragraphs that I took home nearly 2 weeks ago. This morning when my alarm went off at 6 am, I didn't snooze for about 40 minutes (which is something I'm fond of doing and my snoozing habbit used to annoy the heck out of my freshman year roommate). I was awake before my alarm sounded and was happily ready to get up! I was rested and anxious to get to school. With 40 more minutes to get ready than I usually have in the average school day (remember, I enjoy sleeping until the last minute possible, usually), I painted my toenails red! It's been so much fun to look down at my red toenailed feet all day. My toes looks so bright and cheery. They're happy! I also had time to curl my hair (for my stubbornly straight hair this means merely curling up the ends of my hair) and put on make-up (something I haven't done in...oh gee...ages!). So, when I headed out the door at 7:05 with my traveler's mug of peppermint tea (one of my FAVORITES) and pumpkin muffin from Atlanta Bread, I was more than ready to face the day! I even had new Mary Engelbriet posters to drop off to be laminated at the media center (whilst in Atlanta, I went into a neat teacher supply store and bought some new posters!).

Here are the good things that happened today:
*with the extra time this morning, I was able to check my email and discovered that someone had put up on his website an MP3 of the very song I've been waiting to get on my computer in order to send to a friend for YEARS! What a sweet surprise!
*a boy in my first period class presented me with a joke book and totally made my day
*an announcement during homeroom relieved me of the little bit of stress I was feeling (interim reports had been postponed until next Monday)
*another teacher's students showed up during homeroom with 70 copies of A Tale of Two Cities, which saved me the hassle of getting the books out of storage
*Kelly came to visit during 3rd period (her school is still not in session because it's being used as a special needs shelter down in Sebastian). I always love when Kelly comes!
*Zach and Shane came to eat lunch in my room (both boys were charter members of the CIA, the afterschool Bible study, from last year)
*All my classes seemed to like, and do very well on, today's classwork assignment. Candy was involved!
*6th period was just one laugh after another
*In only a matter of minutes the season premieres of Seventh Heaven and Everwood are due to air on the beloved WB! Yay for the fall line-up being in place.

This probably is a very fluffy, boring blog entry. Sorry! It was a great day for me! I'm flying high and now I'm off to watch some TV!


Blogger Meg said...

Fluffy blog entries are fun! It is good to hear that you had a great day! Great days are such great things to live through. They just seem to fly by. Your last blog was quite thoughtful so I think everything balances out in the end. Enjoy your shows and the rest of your Great Day, including the joy of red, red toes.

My sister laughed at me yesterday for saying toenail polish rather than nail polish. I only paint my toes, you see. She thought it was funny that I was making a distinction between them!

3:00 PM  

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