Tuesday, May 10, 2005

the gym, 24, and crack

It's official: I've strained my achilles tendon. I noticed last Thursday and Friday that it was really difficult to run because I had some pain in my right achilles tendon, so I backed off the running. After sitting the weekend out, I went back to the gym yesterday where I tried to run again. I lasted about 20 seconds before I had to jump off the treadmill due to excruciating pain. I went and talked to the trainer who said that what I was describing was definitely a strain and when dealing with achilles tendons, do not even attempt to run again until it feels 100% better. I remember back when I ran cross country, any sort of ache or pain was completely overlooked and our coach just made us run. She really wasn't a cross country coach and was instead a scary, big basketball coach. But, I pressed on through an inflamed bursa (which I'm pretty sure is the cause of my ongoing hip pain) and stress fractures in my foot. It just wasn't an option to sit out. It just amazes me how much is lost if it's not used. Years ago in my cross country prime, achilles tendon pain wouldn't keep me from running. I wouldn't have even given the repurcusions of doing so a second thought. Times have changed. Yesterday, I walked for a mile on the treadmill with a steep incline (apparently the incline is supposed to stretch out the achilles tendon) and then I did the cross trainer. I felt no pain whilst at the gym, but when my feet hit the floor this morning, I could barely walk.

Enough about my physical ailments.

24 was so good last night. The show has finally reached the point where I'm thinking, "There's no way they can resolve this issue. Jack is not invincible. All hell is going to break lose and CTU can't stop it." I think there's only 2 more episodes left (which is done in real time, so only 2 more hours), and I don't think it will be at all believable if they tie everything up. Rodrigo told me that he'll be upset if 24 goes into a fourth season. It's sad when the person who got me interested in the show has lost all faith in it.

I learned today that a crack rock is about $20 and the chemistry teacher apparently knows how to make it.


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