Monday, November 29, 2004

all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | California Dreamin' ]

For some strange reason "California Dreamin'" has been playing in my head nonstop for just about 2 hours. I don't even know how it got in there. I haven't actually heard that song in quite some time. Long live the Mamas and the Papas. When I was in 6th grade, our chorus did special music on the announcements each morning for a week. All I remember is singing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and "California Dreamin'".

So pretty much just about every piece of clothing that I own, save ultra fancy dresses (i.e. Cinderella dress, Karen and Jenny's bridesmaid dresses, and the super beautiful dress I wore to my cousin's wedding 2 years ago), are in dire need of washing. I really hate when I let my laundry accumulate into an overwhelming pile. I guess I'm gonna have to knock this mess out one load at a time.

Future Problem Solvers united after school today in our first general after school meeting. I'm pretty dang excited about my super creative, smart, and hilarious crew who will be competing and kicking some major FPS butt come February. I pretty much LOVED FPS when I was in school...and the Math Team and OM (yeah, I was that dorky).

In pure magic news, I have something to add: 84 Charring Cross Road. I pretty much absolutely adore this movie and think booklovers everywhere should go and rent it (or just check it out of the local library as it is hard to find in Blockbuster, but easy to secure from the shelves of the good ol' library). I am super pleased to have met Kate, a kindred spirit, who shares my love for: Peter Pan, The Everlasting Story of Nory, and 84 Charring Cross Road. Anthony Hopkis stars in this movie, folks, so you'll love it (that's not to say that all of his movies are to die for, certainly they are not).

With a pretty sore throat, mild cough, and droopy eyes, I'm retiring for the night. Peace out.


Blogger Kate said...

if you get the chance, you should read the exiles, or anything else by hilary mckay. she is one of my current favorites, along with eleanor cameron (the julia redfern books - have you heard of them?) anyway if and when you read the exiles,let me know what you think.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Colby said...

Wait, what do you mean "I was dorky"?

9:06 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

thanks, colby. that was cold.

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:50 PM  
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9:09 PM  
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2:31 PM  
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8:57 PM  
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6:25 PM  

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