Monday, November 22, 2004

You know you're bad when you tape Oprah.

So Oprah loves teachers. Today was her FAVORITE THINGS show. If you've seen Oprah before, you might know about her highly coveted show, Favorite Things. However, she arranges it so that her audience has no idea that they're there for the Favorite Things show. (FYI: I am not an Oprah fan by any means, but I don't live under a rock and that is why I know some info about the Favorite Things show.) Anyway, her audience today was all teachers and it was the Favorite Things show! Naturally I had a vested interested in the program because 1. I am a teacher and 2. it's always fun to watch people act like morons when they're given free things (oh, by the way, Favorite Things is when Oprah gives away TONS of really expensive things to all her audience members). Well, I knew that I couldn't watch the whole thing as it aired, so I TAPED OPRAH. I'm a little ashamed. But...whatever. I cried my eyes out when Office Max donated $500 gift certificates to all the teachers. I love school supplies. Naturally, I love Staples the most and would have preferred the certificates to come from Staples.

Speaking of crying during stupid TV shows, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition made me shed quite a few tears. I went to bed stuffed up and red faced. Not only did they build the family a new home, they go and build them a barn and give them a soccer mom car and farm truck. This show makes me like Sears.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's the actual list of things given. Looking at the list, were the teachers only females? I'm hoping if there were male teachers then they were at least married. :-)


3:02 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

The audience entertained males as well as females (although, they were outnumbered).

3:49 PM  
Blogger Colby said...

Sears associates are sending you approximately 8 million catalogs as we speak.

11:59 PM  

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