Sunday, November 14, 2004

Bowling and Sushi

Nice combo, right? So, I finally got to see Matthew and eat sushi (the last time I saw him - which was also the last time I dined on sushi - was in July right before he moved to Gainesville and I went on my road trip) last night! His older sister & brother-in-law (Aimee and Jaron) joined us for the raw fish festivities! Man, is there anything better than raw fish!? I think not. Good times were had...Aimme and Jaron are funny. Afterwards, Matthew had to go and pick up "the kids" (which happen to be his little sister and brother...ages 19 and 14...not really kids, huh?). And then we went cosmic bowling! I now know where all my students go to hang out on the weekends because on every lane was at least one of my students (ok, I'm employing the use of hyperbole here for an amusing effect...but I did see 4 students). So I usually struggle to break 80 in a good ol' game of bowling. BUT GUESS WHAT?! In our first game, not only did I break 100, but I beat Matthew by 1 point :-). However, I wasn't looking too hot in the second game. Our 2 hr. time was up before we could finish the game, but I was definitely in last place (and I definitely was struggling to break 80). So, cosmic bowling had fun lights (had I known that I would glow from the black light, I would have worn all white!) and fun music and videos. Oasis came on with "Wonderwall" and we all pretty much had a big flashback to high school. Anyway, it was fun fun fun. Hopefully it won't be another 3 and a half months before I 1. see Matthew and 2. eat sushi.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just tried sushi for the first time yesterday! Ariake, on Babcock Rd, has great sushi, my husband proclaims! So, off we went. I ordered shrimp and just tasted his sushi. I didn't want to waste a whole plate if I didn't like the stuff! The verdict? It was okay....nothing to write home about, but I'm glad I tried it! Have you been to ARiake yet?
Joy =)

1:32 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

Yeah, I've been to Ariake, with Matthew (you know him, he's the one from Meg O'Malley's from way back when...remember?). We like Haru MUCH better (it's in the shopping plaza by the Walgreens and the Metro Cinema on the corner of 1-92 and Wickham/Minton).

And I completely forgot about how you went to LU when DCT was there. You ARE too cool for me :-).

2:48 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

my only sushi experience was at school once when my teacher mr. collingwood brought some in for the whole class. his wife had fixed it, and it was supposed to go along with the unit we were studying (what that was, i can no longer remember). i don't know if all sushi tastes like that, or if his wife just didn't know how to make it, but it pretty much turned me off of raw or any other kind of fish for life. i was convinced that mr. collingwood brought it to school so he wouldn't have to eat it himself, and i never really forgave him. ah, fond memories, lol.

anyway i said it in my blog but i'll say it again -thanks for the lyrics! i'm going to try to track down a copy of the song.


1:39 PM  

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