Sunday, November 07, 2004

A recap of Saturday

It's 7 am and I've been up, reading, for about 30 minutes! And it's not even a school day!! The time change has done wonders for me. I'm wide awake by 6:30 most days and I feel well-rested!

So, this morning I've been reading All Quiet on the Western Front. I'm nearly half-way through. Having finished reading A Tale of Two Cities in class a couple of weeks ago, I have selected All Quiet on the Western Front as our next novel in the 10th grade. I like the paragraph of introduction before chapter one begins:

This book is to be neither an accusation now a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they many have escaped shells, were destroyed by the war. (the war being WWI)

I think that wars fascinate me (but not a good fascination...I just like learning, reading, and watching movies about them). I remember shortly after watching We Were Soldiers this past summer I had an awful dream where I was married and my husband was going off to war. The dream felt so real, as did the emotions that were being felt in the dream. Speaking of We Were Soldiers, it was on television last night. It had been edited and in parts was pretty choppy, but I still watched more than half of it. Finally, with a stuffy nose and stinging eyes (for I had been crying quite a bit during the movie), I decided that I didn't need to finish watching it and putting myself through so much torture. (At least I knew the outcome and wasn't nervous whilst watching...just sad.) It's a great movie, by the way. I think I'm going to read the book on which the film is based: We Were Soldiers and Young Once.

I read another book yesterday (I love finishing a book in one day!). Next week my 9th graders will begin reading Homeless Bird. It's a great book about a young girl in India whose parents arrange her marriage with a sickly boy (the boy's family, of course, lied about their son's age and health). Shortly after the wedding, the boy dies...leaving Koly (the girl) as a widow in a household that despises her. The ending is very happy, so all her struggle was worth it! :-)

AND GUESS WHAT?! While in Barnes and Noble yesterday I found a new Relient K cd. I had completely forgotten that they dropped a new album on November 2. I snatched that up in a hurry and have, of course, enjoyed listening to the new tunes. I like this album a lot. I think Two Lefts... is my favorite of their three albums, but the new one, MmmHmm, might definitely dethrown Two Lefts once I come to know it better. Uncharacteristic of their other two albums, this one is loaded with relationship songs (a funny one being "My Girl's Exboyfriend"... maybe I'll post those lyrics soon, they're pretty clever).

Anyhow, it's pretty much time for me to get ready for church. Until next time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alisa- see The Incredibles yet?? Just thought you might like to know, the score is by Michael Giacchino, who's written most of the music for Alias and Lost! And it's very good.


10:28 PM  

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