Friday, November 12, 2004

A-B decided to MIX things up tonight....

So, the black blog was beginning to bore me...hence the new blog. Sadly there aren't enough templates to choose from and if I was smart enough, I'd make my own blog. But, at least I'm smart enough to transfer my sidebar links and traffic tracker to my new template!

I changed up my profile too. 4 other people besides myself included palindromes on their list of interests on their blog profile. I checked that out and found it hilarious!

Good random thing that happened: I get a free chicken upon my next Boston Market visit. I completed this huge survey and got my special code. Free chicken, here I come!

It's Friday night. I've got 50 paint brushes, 4 gallons of paint, and 32 tupperware containers for the paint...I'm ready to paint the parking lot. In case anyone cares, the National Honor Society each year sells pirate ads. Our mascot is the pirate and in the parking lot we have painted about 200 pirate heads and on each head we paint messages which students, parents, teachers, and businesses can purchase. The best ad EVER last year was this (names have been changed because I can't remember the exact names):

Barbie and Ken -
Together till we break up.
Better than the youthful optimism of: Barbie and Ken - Together Forever! The best ad I've seen so far for this year is:
Reach for the stars!
Kristin L. - 2007
Just kidding...The best ad so far this year is: Uhh...naturally. (In honor of the chemistry legend at our school who ALWAYS says "Uhh, naturally."
I'm going to listen to some Derek Webb and Relient K.
L8R (that means later)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should put palindromes in my profile seeing as how my name is one. hehe

I have a story about free chicken... I'll have to tell it to you on Monday... (real chickens too... not the cooked kind from Boston Market)

Thanks a bunch for the comment you left me. :-D I would be your friend too if you were a student in high school again, but I'm a few years too late for that. It's still some crazy good fun to talk to you online and everything though!

In case you didn't notice, I'm correctly punctuating and capitalizing this comment just for you. I don't do it a lot because it takes longer to type. I use apostrophes occasionally though... mostly on "we'll" because if I don't use an apostrophe it becomes "well" which confuses some people since it's not so obvious to tell the difference between the two.

I couldn't believe it when you "changed the question" for me on Wednesday... At first I didn't understand how the question was changed because "pop" doesn't sound that weird to me and I thought you were going to change it to a different subject, but nooo... You just couldn't help yourself and you made fun of my northern ways again... :-P

I'm glad to be in K207 this year (even though I've had to redo some things I did last year). I always enjoy being in your class 6th period, Monday-Friday.

I'm glad you liked my "uhh... naturally." shirt today (along with everyone else haha).

Peach it.
(Yes, I meant to say "it".)

~HannaH (Lovin' the new name hehe)

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHOA! It was SOOO good to hear from you on my livejournal! I miss you a lot! I couldn't come to Palm Bay that Wednesday because I had three people over at my house for a drama project. We had to make a video, and we recorded it at my house. Wednesday was the only day we could do it because one of the kids in our group was in soccer and he had wednesday off. Also, the project was due Friday so we couldn't wait until the next Wednesday.

I bought your Christmas present yesterday. =D

I remember the pirate heads, Heather and I used to read them EVERY DAY on the way to Bohne's.

I like your new layout! It looks really good!

COSMIC BOWLING? I LOVE COSMIC BOWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've only been cosmic bowling once though, with Tasha. That was a REALLLLLLLY long time ago.

OH! My mom will be here soon! like... 10 or 11 days or something like that, I'm really excited about that.

Isn't it funny how you sort of switched favorite people? Last year it was Heather and I and this year it's Kristin and Briana. It makes me sad when they talk about you because you're always really busy so it gets a little hard to see you.

We should plan to do something on a weekend. PERHAPS A SLEEPOVER! Me + you + heather... JUST like the old days. (That is, if Heather doesn't get bit by a toad or something weird like that.) Or, just you could stay the night, I know how you are about hanging out with students outside of school.

We need to get Reese's Peanut Butter Cup SUNDAES! MAKE PLANS WITH ME A.S.A.P.!

<33333333333 Your Biggest Fan/The Person Who Misses You Most/ Kelly Elizabeth

9:44 AM  
Blogger alisa beth said...


This is my lucky day for long comments! First HannaH's and then yours. So, let's set the record straight. You and Heather are STILL my favorite people, but my list of favorites has just expanded. For the record, you're the only one who I'd go into the rumble strip with, you're the only one who I'd take pictures of hot workmen in my car with, and you're still the only one who I've been to Friendly's with. (Yum, peanutbutter sauce.)

So, we'll make plans...soon. You bought me a Christmas present?! Can't wait. Apparently, we're having a Christmas party...Briana is planning it :-).

11:28 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

hey a-b,

thanks for the nice comment on my blog. it feels good to know people care. i love your blog. it cheers me up. i know we don't know each other but i sort of think of you as a friend. (a blogger friend?) anyway thanks.


9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sarah Stroud used to work at Boston Market. Ever since she described to me the inner workings of their kitchen I haven't been able to eat there. You do not want to eat their cornbread. :O


12:30 AM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

To Kate and K-Dawg:

Kate, we're definitely blogger buddies :-)! So glad I "met" you.

K-Dawg, why the heck are you trying to ruin my life with crap stories about Boston Market? I don't care what they do to the cornbread. Ignorance is bliss. Let me be ignorant. :-)

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you won't be laughing when i actually make it to the stars.
- K.Funk

4:06 PM  
Blogger Colby said...

Whoa, all these colors on the blog are seriously blinding me. Everybody else has the dark, brooding blog -- but I approve of the change nevertheless.

Oh, and I'm an all-star bowler. By all-star, I mean 'breaks 130 once in a while.' In the words of 12-year-old Colby, booyah.

12:35 PM  

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