Monday, November 15, 2004

I'm shocking.

Today, in 6th period, I pretty much caused a boy's life to come crashing down all around him (ok, so it's certainly not as dramatic as I'm making it sound). While my normal English students were spending the first 10 minutes reading All Quiet on the Western Front, one of my abnormal English students (enrolled in my independent creative writing class) was being nosy around my desk. He picked up a CD case and opened it up to discover the Garden State Soundtrack and just kind of stared at me and said, "Oh my gosh. You know the Shins? They are a cool band and you know the Shins? I didn't know you knew the Shins." Yes, it's shocking, but your OLD English teacher knows, and likes, the Shins. THEN...moments later, he picks up the clipping from the newspaper (as I clipped out the article because it was so hilarious) announcing Old Dirty Bastard's death (yes, the member of the Wutang Clan). He began to freak out saying, "I didn't know he died. How did you know he died and I didn't?" Yes, it's shocking, but your OLD English teacher knows all :-). I'm still amused.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, ODB died? This is what I get for having a busy weekend and a 13 hour work shift today. And if you are OLD... :-)

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's colder than cold? ABM, of course.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

hey, a-b, thanks for sticking up for me to that weirdo who posted on my blog. i don't know what their problem is.


8:08 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

hey a-b, maybe you can explain this to me. how do you get your blog to show the list of other people's blogs in the sidebar?

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A girl in my bible study is a Jr. High teacher. I work with Jr. High at my church. When I told the kid I knew his teacher he acted as though she shouldnt have a soical life. "She goes to bible study?!"


1:55 PM  

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