Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Gym & Relient K (and some other random things)

A funny story first: I was grading papers like crazy this week because grades were due for interim reports. One paper I came across was a few haikus that my 10th graders wrote. One kid, who I've had in 9th and now again in 10th, wrote the phrase "oh my gosh" in one of the haiku lines. He circled the word "gosh" and drew an arrow to the margin of his paper to write me a note. He wrote (and I quote), "I would have written "God", but that would be taking the Lord's name in vain and if He didn't strike me down with an iron fist, I know you would." That bit amused me!

On to other things...

This morning was fun: Part 2 of Pirate Ad Painting. The principal failed to mention that our gym was hosting a district wrestling match (which meant that the parking lot would be getting a lot of traffic, which ultimately means that painting anything would be difficult). But, we did it! Some of the NHS kids pretending to be ROTC people (they're the ones who always have parking detail for major events) and directed cars to stay away from our feshly painted messages such as: I heart the Wonder Twins or Some call it stalking, we call it love. (Funny story involving two sweet sophomore girls and soccer playing senior twins!) Anyway, Kristin and Briana came, so fun was had! :-) Reach for those stars, Kristin L. c/o 2007!

Well, around 3:00 I got the idea to go to the gym! I figure I should go ahead and get back into the gym since 1. my current jeans are getting a little snug and 2. I should stop wasting the monthly fee that's automatically deducted from my account. I loaded up my cd player with fresh batteries, carefully selected some suitable gym music and went on my way.

3:00 on a Saturday afternoon is apparently a brilliant time to go to the gym. It was nearly empty and the freaking annoying personal trainers who think they're God's gifts to women were off duty (I hate a few certain guys who work at the gym and hang around the machines and flirt with girls wearing sports bras and spandex). I am pretty proud of my time at the gym (especially in light of the fact that I haven't been since JULY -- that's right, August, September, October, and most of November went right down the drain). I ran two miles, walked one, and then did 5 arm machines...all to the brilliant tunes of RELIENT K.

I pretty much love this cd (their new one: MmmHmm). It makes me SO happy, and of course it's a great gym CD! I really love this CD more than their others because 1. there is a real piano presence (which sounds funny because usually you don't hear pianos too much in punk music, but it's there) and 2. many of the songs are about relationships (so, while there are still some silly songs, there isn't a huge presence of them). It might not be too interesting for me to post lyrics to songs (although I've done it before and am uncertain if anyone even bothers to read them), but I'm going to post some lyrics now (and will post more in future posts because I love their lyrics). The first song that's going up is one of the funniest/sweetest (in a strange way) songs on the CD. I just love this song.

"My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend"
When he was seeing her
You could see he had his doubts
And now he's missing her
Because he knows he's missing out
Now it's haunting him
The memories like a ghost
He's so terrified
Cause no one else even comes close
He's the guy that you should feel sorry for
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend
So then, along comes me,
This undeserving mess (undeserving mess)
Who would believe my life would be so blessed (life would be so blessed)
Two years ago he left all that debris (left all that debris)
Who would have known
It would be everything I need
He's a guy that you should feel sorry for
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend
If it wasn't for him
I would still be searching
If it wasn't for him
I wouldn't know my best friend
If it wasn't for him
He would be able to see
That if it wasn't for him
He'd be as happy as me
When she and I settle down you can bet
That he is going to have to settle for less
He's someone that I would hate to be
I got the girl and he's left with just the memory.
He's a guy that you should feel sorry for
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend
If it wasn't for him
I would still be searching
If it wasn't for him
I wouldn't know my best friend
If it wasn't for him
He would be able to see
If it wasn't for him
He would be as happy as me


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ive heard that song, i like it :-)

i hope you got those grades done in time!


oh by the way... i heard you dont like nicholas cage... hehehe....

2:11 PM  

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