Sunday, November 21, 2004

Scotland Calling...

The phone rang and it was Scotland! Really, it was Karen Jane, who has called for quite a few weeks and has missed me (not that I'm that hard to get a hold of, it's just that I forget to turn my phone off of silent when school ends). It was wonderful to talk to her! I even got to say a quick hello to Philip, who completely ruined an exciting joke. I will now crack all my readers up with two jokes:

Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella?

Fo' drizzle! :-)

How come pilgrims have a hard time keeping their pants up?

Because they wear their belts on their hats!! :-)

For the record, I am loving this book of Tolkien's letters. I can't boast being a Lord of the Rings fan, but I am a fan of C.S. Lewis and letters, so there's plenty to keep my interest. I most like the letters Tolkien writes to his son, Christopher. He addresses them as My Dearest, Dearest Man, Dearest Chris. He addresses letters to C.S. Lewis as My dear Jack and My dear L. He signs the ones to Christopher as Your own Father or All the love of your own father. He writes his son and tells him how he lives for his son's letters (something I find remarkable...too bad that people just don't correspond any and cell phones have made life all together too convenient and less beautiful).

Finally, I got the world's greatest post-it's from Staples this weekend. I'm super excited to use them! Oh the simple things that greatly excite me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NYT profiles JJ:

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