Friday, November 26, 2004

Fiberoptic Angel & O Come All Ye Faithful

The angel is out, the Christmas tunes are on, the season is here. Funny how it sneaks up on me each year. This year, Christmas is simple. Three years ago it was the big California Christmas. Two years ago it was the huge Parisian Christmas. Last year was Christmas in Palm Bay with a few extras (my brother and his kids). This year, it's simple. Until a couple of days ago, I thought my brother & co. would be returning again this year. Looks like Alias and Alisa won't be rapping the Run DMC Christmas song again. And just for the record, I definitely can bust a move and a rap better than my older brother, thankyouverymuch!

So last night as the turkey was digesting, I got pulled together all my Christmas CDs and had a listen. When I was a junior in high school, I went over to a friend's house to make Christmas cookies. I remember I was asked to bring my Christmas music collection so that we could listen whilst baking. Well guess what? My music collection (all tapes at this point) was left at Heather's house...but when I asked for them back, they were nowhere to be found. The mystery of my disappearing awesome Christmas music collection still haunts me to this day. Not all of those tapes have been (or probably can be) replaced, so each year I'm left with the wish to hear a certain song on a tape from long ago. My Amy Grant tapes have long since been replaced with the CDs though, which is good news.

I used to listen to "Breath of Heaven" (off of Amy's Home for Christmas) on constant repeat. One year in college I even sang it for a Christmas program at the Wesley Foundation. It was the song I constantly sang in the shower around Christmas time. Last night it became clear that while it's still a beautiful song, I've moved on. I am a much bigger fan of her rendition of "O Come All Ye Faithful" (off of Home for Christmas). I also love the version of "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", which I used to play all the time on the piano (Bach is good year round, not just at Christmas).

Naturally, my favorite Christmas CD is called Your King has Come. I "lost" this CD for over a year a few years back. It was discovered behind another CD in one of those CD wallet-cases. It was my happy day when I found it again because THE BEST CHRISTMAS SONG EVER is on there, "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus", a duet with Sandra and Derek. (Love that song) There is also a great version of "O Come All Ye Faithful" on Your King has Come.

The new Christmas CD purchase of this year is Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb. It's not anything tradition, but all original songs that tell the story of Christ's coming and birth. It's beautiful.

Enough about Christmas music for now...

In other news, I finished reading the biography of Martin Luther. I will be glad to return it to the library and pick out another nonfiction book (which is my favorite section). One of the greatest things EVER is the feeling I get when I read the last word of the last page of a book! Few things beat that.

I'm going to go eat a piece of pumpkin bread. Happy Friday, everyone.


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