Sunday, November 28, 2004

feeling sick on a sunday

I regretfully inform you all that the novelty of having a beautiful Peter Pan & Wendy background on livejournal has worn off. It made it impossibly difficult to see. So, I have switched to a refreshing "Watermelon" palate. I'm fairly certain both cats are hungy since the mean one is at my feet and the mildly retarded one is half in my lap. One moment while I go give the beggars food.

And we're back. I've recently awakened from a 2.5 hour nap after church. I am afraid that I'm sick, something that doesn't happen very often. I've decided that God spares me from getting sick because when I am, I'm a whiny baby, and I bet He hates that (and so do those around me). But, I'm sick. The throat is sore, the head aches, and I could probably sleep all day. I'm awaiting the call from Ginnie (my fake grandmother) to tell me where to meet her for lunch as it is her birthday tomorrow and we're celebrating.

I fought falling asleep in church today by reading my library book of collected Tolkien's letters. This one amused me to no ends and I now share it with my livejournal audience:

'Dear Mr. Tolkien, I have just finished reading your book The Hobbit for the 11th time and I want to tell you what I think of it. I think it is the most wonderful book I have ever read. It is beyond description... Gee Whiz, I'm surprised that it's not more popular...If you have written any other books, would you please send me their names?'

John Barrow 12 yrs.

I thought these extracts from a letter I got yesterday would amuse you. I find these letters which I still occasionally get (apart from the smell of incense which fallen man can never quite fail to savour) make me rather sad. What thousands of grains of good human corn must fall on barren stony ground, if such a very small drop of water should be so intoxicating! But, I suppose one should be grateful for the grace and fortune that have allowed me to provide even the drop. God bless you beloved. Do you think 'The Ring' will come off, and reach the thistry?

Your own Father.

It's nice to find that little American boys do really still say 'Gee Whiz'.

So, what's the word? Did 'The Ring' come off and reach the thirsty? :-) I've mentioned this several times, but I love getting letters (and a surprise post card came from New Orleans just the other day that served to greatly lift my spirits and put a huge smile on my face, so thanks!) and reading others' letters is equally amusing! I particularly like the letters from children to Tolkien (and one day I happed upon a collection of letters that CS Lewis had written just to children, and I loved reading that. I think I might like to own that book some day). I wish children would still feel compelled to write letters to authors whose books quenched their thirst. I wonder who they'd choose to write now a days, beside Ms. Rowling (did I even spell her name correctly?).

Growing up, I used to love the days my mom would take my brother and I to the library. I always would settle on a little volume of Beatrix Potter because I loved the magical animals, the slick pages, and the length (something I found in later years my mother loathed; those books were always longer than most and thus put bedtime off by several minutes).

I have 60 A Tale of Two Cities folders I had wanted to grade over Thanksgiving break so they could be returned tomorrow. It hasn't happened yet, and since I'm not feeling well, I don't see it happeneing this afternoon either. If you're reading this and you're hoping for your folder back tomorrow, I'm sorry. In due time, due time.


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