Thursday, December 02, 2004

On the second day of December...

The following is two posts in one. The first is the post that was eaten yesterday and then recreated on livejournal. The second is today's.

First Post

I'm simply frustrated because the computer just ate a post. Where do all the eaten posts go, I wonder? Here are my attempts to recreate my brilliance that was so rudely eaten by this stupid computer.

Currently, Courtney Thorne-Smith is the visage-du-jour on Special K (which, FYI: it's on special at Publix for buy one, get one free...I'm such a sucker for buy one, get one free gimmicks). The question that pops into my mind when I see Courtney sitting in her jeans and white, crisp button-down Oxford is, "How did you go from ultra-chic Melrose Place beautiful-sweet-girl-next-door and quirky-cool Ally McBeal beautiful-lawyer-who-got-the-man-of-Ally's-dreams to washed-up wife of Jim Belushi on My Wife and Kids and the spokesperson for Special K?" I wonder. Her signature is even on the box of Special K. Neat-o. Not that I can boast a full, comprehensive knowledge of Melrose Place seeing as though I could barely keep abreast of 90210 from my friends, Heather and Heidi, at the bus stop each Friday morning (you see, my mom didn't allow me to watch garbage like that), but I do know enough through reruns on the Soap channel to tell you that Allison (Courney's character) so should have ended up with nice-boy Billy, her platonic boyfriend/roomie. But does the nice girl win? Of course not. While Billy's out getting married to some idiot rich, spoiled girl, Allison's getting burned alive in an outrageous apartment building fire which stole her sight from her but spared her life (that goodness for small favors). Poor, poor Allison. All this talk/write has gotten me thinking about the topic of how nice girls don't win. Sure, I could give you Felicity Elizabeth Porter, nice girl who finished triumphantly...but allow me to explain a few things first. She was supposed to be a homely-looking nerd who was hopelessly in love with two boys. However, try as they might to dress her in baggy, ugly-colored sweaters, she did not look homely. Also, just because she was pre-med did not mean that she was a socially-inept nerd. Yeah right! Come on, J.J., you could have called me to play her part! I have her line, "It's complicated," down-pat. (I get a sneaky suspicion that none of my readers will have any idea what I'm talking about because I'm fairly certain none of you like Felicity, which is a darn shame). Anyhow, all I'm trying to say is this: If Felicity was REAL, she wouldn't have landed Ben nor Noel. Nice girls' dreams just don't come true [sorry, Lauren, I'm still routing for you though...but speaking from personal experience, boys, more often than not, check no! come on, that was funny...especially if you're privy to the inside story about me writing a boy by the name of Jon a letter...:-) ].

What originally prompted this post, however, was Courtney on a box of cereal. I got to thinking: if ever I were to become rich, famous, and highly sought after to be the spokesperson for a wide variety of things...which would I choose? Even though I have a double name, I'm no Sarah Jessica Parker, so I think that doing spots for the Gap is pretty much out. While I sport their favorite t's and boot cut jeans, I'm just not hip enough for them. I'm way too old for American Eagle and refuse to wear "graphic t's" that say Get Lei'd. Clothing is out. Since you can't find saddle shoes, aside from golf shoes, it's safe to say that peddling shoes is also out. (Also, people now a days just don't appreciate saddle shoes.) That leaves food and post-it notes. I wouldn't mind lending my face to help sell: Golden Graham Sticks (in chocolate or cinnamon), Craisins (I'm fond of saying, "Are you crazy for craisins?"), or post-it notes.


Today I skipped school (but the principal knew). I went to an inservice of sorts and here's what happened:

1. We got out 1.5 hrs. early.
2. I chatted with a girl at my table who ended up being Andrew Peterson's younger sister's college roommate.
3. A girl who I worked with at Barnes and Noble, then who I used to see ALL the time at the Sun Shoppe (because that's where she worked after B&N), who is now teaching 8th grade sat next to me.
4. We all got 6 different cookies, and had to eat them, in order to complete an activity. Delicious fun.
5. I followed the yellow footprints taped all over the school board building's floors to the Book Fair (not because I had any interest in going to the book fair, but because I wanted to follow the yellow feet).

The cool part was that the inservice began at noon. So, I slept until 7:38 (that's really sleeping in!) and did 2 loads of laundry. My overwhelming pile for a couple posts back is now half way done.

I don't really have anything else to say at the moment. I'm still under the weather. I wish that today had been Friday so that I don't have to go back to school tomorrow. But, life isn't fair some times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alisa Beth...I did not know you were feeling "under the weather" An Aunt should know this...mea cupa...hope you feel better! And it's a good thang to always follow the yellow brick road or feet

10:29 AM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

ALISON! Thanks for the comment! It made my day!

4:15 PM  

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