Thursday, June 23, 2005


Is it a coincidence that I've been immersing myself in Andy P's music as of late? In a post from last night I mentioned him in my "10 bands right now" list. I realized after I posted that I kind of didn't explain myself too well in the parenthetical notation by Andy's name, but it was too late and I didn't want to go back and edit. What I meant is, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Andy (yes, Chris, I know he's taken...not LOVE in THAT way), but sometimes I forget I love him so much. His cds will stay tucked away in some cd case until I'll go looking specifically for one or until I'll come upon one on a search for somethng else. However, since I compiled my list of 100 great songs, I've been on an Andy kick. During the last week, I've been listening to his Christmas cd, Behold the Lamb of God, a lot! It's so good.

I used to be obsessive about checking my favorite musicians' websites. Now, though, I'll go a few months before I stumble back on their websites. I like to space my visits out because that way, when I return, I'll have a greater chance of finding something I did today on Andy's site! HE HAS A NEW CD COMING OUT IN 10 WEEKS AND AND AND AND....his Christmas show is coming out on DVD. This news is MUSIC to my ears! Just thought I'd share.


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