Tuesday, September 14, 2004


This guy is my hero. Posted by Hello

In case you guys don't know, this man, a 32 yr old, dressed up like Batman (obviously), hopped a garden wall and scaled the walls of Buckingham Palace (something he no doubt learned from Spidey, his pal). Sadly, 48 yr. old Robin wasn't limber enough to make it over the wall and was apprehended before his friend, who stayed perched atop the wall for 5 hours. I love Batman.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So basically I don't like the girl sitting behind Vinny. She keeps looking at me and giving me crazy looks. I dont think that I'm quite worthy of her nasty cruel looks. I'll show her someday... you know... I'll like... cut her stupid straight hair off. Yea, I'll bet she'll like that! MUAAHAHAH! *evil laugh*
Anyways, my grandma went to Friendly's without. You know she was going to wait until ...CSI... no... CIS ... noo... uhhh. CIA, yea, CIA, she was going to wait until CIA was over for me. BORING! Is she crazy? I mean... I would be like... walk home Kelly, You aren't quite deserving of a nice air conditioned ride if I have to wait for 3 hours for you. But, she's way cooler than that. AND, you're way cooler to take me home. Our rides home are always fun anyhow, we have good conversations. I really wish that I could have sent you what Cory was talking to me about religion. He has very strong oppinions and thoughts, and it's amazing. (not like it's wrong or anything, but he was like... giving me a bible study lesson.) It was awesome. I was shocked and unable to reply to most of what he said.

WHO?? I'll tell you who... RICK JA... I mean... MIKE JONES!

So, i heard someone really liked you. Do you want to know who? Okay, I'll tell you....

MIKE JONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 (aw dawg that was so pimpetty whack)

Anyways, black people were mean to me today. I was talking in line for pizza today and "they" got in front of me and were like MOVE!!!!!!!
That's okay though, they'll never be president. America would never LET them.

Right about now I wish I had some peanut butter sauce. *sigh*

Well... I'm just going sit here and think of plan to hurt the girl who sits behind Vinny because I hate her.


2:48 PM  
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