Monday, June 27, 2005

on recent purchases....

Maybe it's because I feel like I've recently come into some extra cash that has nudged me into loosening up the ole' purse strings as of late (by coming into extra cash I'm referring to getting double paychecks because of summer school). Now, should I be stowing extra money away to maybe pay for my massive car repairs that I'm in need of? Should I buy myself the long coveted iPod? Should I completely pay off my American Express? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES. But, instead, I have done the following:

*purchased Clarissa Explains it All and Mary Poppins (and got Mansfield Park for free since it's still the buy 2 DVDs, get the 3rd for free deal)
*purchased for myself Garden State
*bought myself a new outfit complete with accessories (which include a cute polka dotted scarf that doubles for a belt and a pair of dangly earrings!! Before this pair, I haven't had a pair of dangly earrings since high school)
*bought myself some much needed gym clothes and now I can't wait to go to the gym (I like the effect these purchases will have on working out...I will be even more motivated than before)

But, alas, I'm pulling the strings tight again and I'm not going to buy the iPod, fix my car, or pay off my American Express. Instead, I am going to save the extra money...not for a rainy day, but for a very specific purpose that I will reveal to you all in due time :). I hope I've piqued your interest!!

Garden State --
A worth while purchase. I really adore Zach Braff, but wish he didn't feel the need to use bad language. He is, in spite of his potty mouth, a brilliant guy. I love watching movies with the commentaries to find out little known facts. I like an iside look and I liked getting it from Zach and Natalie. The making of movies is really fascinating.

Mansfield Park --
I fell in love with this movie the first time I saw it. My mom, her best friend, and I drove to Orlando in search of this movie (as it didn't come to our stupid town) and finally found it at some obscure dine in theatre. I knew it was something special when I first saw it and two weeks after my first viewing, I was actually in Austen's country myself reading the very novel that the movie was based on. Well, I owned the VHS tape, but not the DVD with commentary! So, I was happy to add this one to my small (but as of late, increasing) DVD library. Listening to the commentary had the added bonus of kind of being in a class about Austen. The writer/director is very knowledgeable and it was neat to learn facts about Jane that I had never heard or read before.


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