Sunday, June 20, 2004

The Best Satrurday EVER

Sweet Tea Parties, THE Perfect Black Pants, and SAVED

Hello everyone! Yesterday was the best Saturday EVER! Sharon, my best friend from UM and former roommate, came up from West Palm Beach and took my mom and me to Afternoon Tea to celebrate our birthdays! What a wonderful time we had! Is there anything more fun to eat than little finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream, tea party desserts, and individual pots of tea (I enjoyed my own pot of Lavender Rose!)? [Now, if you're a guy who's reading this, chances are you can probably quickly think of at least a dozen things that are more fun to eat than finger sandwiches and tea party tid bits. But, take my word for it, the tea party was fun!] After tea, we headed to Gardens Mall in West Palm Beach because there is the best store in all the world in that mall: ANTHROPOLOGIE. Now, I'm not much of a shopper at all, but I will NEVER pass up an opportunity to go to Anthropologie. [If you're a girl who's reading this, and you don't know what Anthropologie is, you should: Everything is so beautiful...terribly over priced...but so beautiful.] Well, the best thing EVER happened to me! You can't even begin to guess what it is! On the sale rack, there was a lone pair of black pants. There was JUST one pair. And they were my size :-)! Furthermore, they fit perfectly! Despite their markdown, they were still a little too pricey, but they were the perfect pair of black pants EVER, and I was at Anthropologie, so I felt up for the splurge. The lady rang them$24.95?! Are you kidding me?! They had been marked down even more!! I told the lady it was the best thing that had ever happened to's not the best thing that has ever happened to me, of course, but I was carried away in the moment. [I know that it was probably really tacky of me to include the price of the pants I bought, but I felt it was necessary because these pants regularly cost $100! I got them for $25! That is amazing! And, I'm still super excited about them. They are THE perfect pair of black pants.]

After my wickedly cool and amazing purchase, I was feeling pretty good. We went to the food court, were in the process of eating dinner, and Sharon says, "Hey, Alisa Beth, doesn't that guy look like Kevin McDonald?" And would you believe it?! It WAS Kevin McDonald. Kevin was a grad student when we were in undergrad. I've always kind of thought of him as an older brother, and here he the middle of Gardens Mall! It had been over 2 years since I saw him last, so the surprise meeting was very welcome! It was great to catch up and laugh together.

In other news: my pastor today warned the congregation against seeing the sacreligious movie, SAVED. OOPS. TOO LATE. I saw it, laughed, liked it, and recommend it. My personal opinion is: It was funny. Some truths were exaggerated, but it was funny. I don't know why so many Christians are having a hard time with it. Kevin mentioned something that I agreed with: Perhaps some Christians don't like it because the movie touched a nerve and they recognize the way mainstream Christianity is portrayed in the movie in their own churches. And, perhaps in an effort to not look at the flaws in their own form of Christianity, they push away and reject the movie. Anyway, I thought it was fun. After all, who doesn't love Mandy Moore?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Eric

I am simply speechless and in awe that you ran into Kevin. Here we were just last week chatting about how we missed him, kind of hard to get in touch with, etc. etc. now this?!!!?

Wow! I am thrilled. I am really glad you got to see him. I hope I get in touch with him soon.


5:36 PM  

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