Thursday, September 09, 2004

a hard rain's a gonna fall...again

Hello everyone! I got home about 2 hours ago from Atlanta and have realized that I should have never come back! It looks like Hurricane Ivan is going to be heading straight up the middle of Florida. I just don't believe it!

All is well here. My cats are alive and I dare say that both were relieved to see me! Power, water, cable, and phone lines were restored yesterday, so I'm living large! There are still quite a bit of people in Palm Bay without power.

One of my next door neighbors lost quite a bit of shingles from his roof and didn't bother to pick them up out of my backyard! I can't believe it! Not all of the bamboo in the backyard is down, which I'm happy about! What is still standing, though, has been stripped off all leaves. So, it looks quite bleak. My car didn't hold up! One of my tires was completely flat (but has already been fixed thanks to USAA), my windshielf wipers have left my windshield, there are quite a bit of scratches on my passenger door from flying debris, and some paint on my hood has bubbled up and, after I touched it, flaked off.

It was so strange to see all the uprooted trees along the highway and especially along Palm Bay Road once I pulled off the highway. So many billboards and highway signs are down. The funniest thing I saw was a flooded pasture with cows standing still knee deep in water. It was hilarious.

And now my attention is turned to all the Ivan hype. It is looking pretty grim. A category 5?! And, CNN reports that 20 people in Grenanda have been killed and 90% of the island's homes have sustained damages. While I was in Atlanta, I watched Good Morning America and they had this segment called "Where to Spend Your Retirement." Would you believe that Palm Bay and Melbourne were both mentioned right before Good Morning America turned to their field reporter in Brevard County who was reporting on the damages from Frances!? Too funny.

After this hurricane season, I'm absolutely certain that it's going to be my last spent here in Florida. On to graduate school next fall...not in Florida.

Stay tuned for a more detailed recap of my week away from my blog :-)!


Blogger Meg said...

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back! Your pictures look great! I am happy that everything seems to be mostly ok. I had my car towed thanks to USAA!!! These hurricanes are unbelievable. Glad to know you're safe and sound. Are you planning on leaving due to Ivan?

12:15 PM  

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