Wednesday, September 01, 2004


So I'm pretty much set to take off for Atlanta tomorrow at the crack of dawn. The Bee Line and Turnpike have suspended all tolls...yay! I figure that if the house is demolished, it's all just stuff anyway and doesn't really mean the end of the world if it's not here when I get back. This might sound a bit dramatic, but the news is totally making it sound like it's the end of Brevard County. They keep stressing the point that this is the biggest hurricane to hit the eastern coast of Florida in over a hundred years. Generally I am a very light packer and only take a few essentials whenever I go on a trip (something I learned when I went to don't really need all that much and furthermore, you don't really miss everything), however since this trip is under abnormal circumstances, these are the items I have added to the trunk of the car this time:

my guitar
my 3x5 framed autographed photo of Amy Grant
my 5 filled up journals

Not much, but I figure the above items really aren't replaceable. I haven't packed my shabby grey stuffed cat that I've had since I was 4...I should and I think I will. Naturally, I'll be silent on my little space on the world wide web until probably next Tuesday (dear me, I hope my cats will survive). So...adieu.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor cats

6:12 PM  
Blogger Meg said...

Are you ok? Hope you're doing alright! Praying for you!

11:03 PM  

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