Thursday, September 16, 2004

patio gathering

Yesterday was the national See You at the Pole day. In spite of the poor advertisement (as we couldn't display posters in the school and we had just gotten back to school from the hurricane hiatus), we had three prayer sessions in the morning (7:00, 7:30, and 8:00). Each session saw more and more students. In total there were probably about 50-60 students.

It turned out that the group was too big to encircle our flag pole so we moved the gathering to the patio area. The move to the patio, I think, was a huge blessing because more people saw and came by to join in. Also, every single administrator was outside on their "patio duty" and I noticed them all watching as prayers were being lifted up.

Not only was yesterday See You at the Pole day, it was CIA (Christians In Action). My how the Lord is working on Palm Bay High's campus. Many new faces came yesterday, including a fellow teacher (and I still don't know who invited her, but I'm thrilled she came!). For now we're all meeting in my classroom, but I'm praying that by the end of the semester we won't have any room to meet in my classroom! I am enjoying getting to know some new CIA agents and this morning got a surprise visit from 3 of them!

Recently I was telling my friend, Jed, what another teacher recently told me (roughly): "If you don't believe enough in public school to send your own children to one, you shouldn't be teaching in a public school." That comment really made me think, and continues to make me think. Should I ever have children of my own one day, the Lord only knows where they would end up going to school. However, if I had a child today, I would probably lean towards sending him/her to some sort of Christian school (I would carefully/prayerfully select one however, and steer clear of extremist, independent baptist offense). Through talking it over with Jed (who had a killer analogy to offer), I really don't believe what my fellow teacher told me is worth anything. To quote Jed, "To say that willingness to send your own children to a public school is a necessary qualification for working in a public school is parallel to saying that being a volunteer doctor in a clinic in Africa means that you'd need to be willing to have your own children receive all of their medical care at that clinic."

So...I truly believe there is a great need for Christian teachers in the public school system. I really feel that the public school system, or at least my experience at Palm Bay High, is just as big a mission field as there is in Africa (ok, so maybe the mission field in Africa is a bit bigger, but maybe you get what I mean). Anyway, the events of yesterday with the patio prayers and CIA were super encouraging to me as a teacher in the public school system.

All in all, I'm happy to be serving God at Palm Bay High.
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