Saturday, October 02, 2004

One of the best ALIAS moments...EVER. It's from second season when SD-6 finally went down. OH, I love this episode! The Sydney and Vaughn theme swells in the background as they make their way to each other from across the smoking rubble to share their first kiss! It doesn't get better than this. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, first of all(not really since this is my seventh comment) SEVEN posts? Secondly, I don't have really anything to say because well, I've made sixth other comments, and I've barely watched the show. I just figured why not post on all of them you know? After I watch both of the first two seasons via DVD, I'll see if it matches up with Ed and Carol finally getting together. You know who Ed and Carol are right?

6:19 AM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

Thanks for the 7 comments. I love comments!

Of course I know who Ed and Carol are, from ED, the lawyer/bowling ally guy! However, I was not a devoted ED watcher. I remember trying to watch it several times, but it annoyed my mom. I did see the episode where Kelly Ripa guessed starred.

3:27 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

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3:29 PM  

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