Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Sometimes it's the little things...

I am someone who gets way too excited over very little things. This aspect of my personality overwhelms some people, I think. I'm not quite sure if overwhelm is the correct word, but when I get very excited (especially because of something quite small), I have been Shhhhed (as I do get loud) and looked at strangely.

Today I'm most excited because I got new nose pads on my glasses. A couple of days ago my glasses were sliding down my nose more than usual. Eventually I discovered that I had lost a nose pad! Well, my eye doctor's office was opened up for glasses and contact pickup, so I figured maybe I could get some new nose pads. Sure enough, one of the assistants set me up with two round (not ovals) nose pads. They are the cutest nose pads that even graced a pair of glasses! So now I want to take my glasses off and show everyone my cool nose pads. I am still so excited about them! My new round nose pads make me want to stick with glasses (as I have been wanting contacts for quite some time now).

Something else relatively small that got me really exited: I recently was given a cat hair roller as a little gift (like a lint brush). I was (and am still) so super excited! I love to wear black pants (especially if my pants hail from Anthropologie) and I love my cats (especially the one that lets me hold her!), so I am in dire need of a cat hair roller. I have one! I love it! And it makes me really excited to use it!

Here are more relatively small things that get me really excited:
  • when someone comments on my blog (but this is not a lame attempt at getting you to comment. If I have to ask for comments, then they don't mean as much!)
  • when a song I really like comes on the radio
  • when I get to sing a song that I really like in church
  • buying stamps at the post office (especially if they're new and exciting stamps...but regular old flags get me excited too because if I am in need of a new book of stamps, that means that I've written a lot of letters!)
  • getting new pens (and I just got new pens from Staples and guess what? I got a mysterious $10 gift card to Staples in the mail and it's not my usual teacher rewards certificates)
  • getting a soft serve vanilla ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles
  • finding a new pack of stickers in the grocery store that I don't have (especially if they have Cinderella in them)
  • when I get 300 miles to my 10 gallon gas tank
  • whenever my odometer turns something really cool (mainly when a palindrome is involved)
  • whenever I finish a book, especially if I can read the whole thing in one day
Anything else that I can think to list is actually pretty big. When I mean small, I mean insignificant. Getting a letter makes me crazy excited, but I wouldn't call a letter small or insignificant. Figuring a song out (by myself with NO help from online tabs) makes me crazy excited, but again, that's no insignifcant feat! Finding $98 black pants in Anthropologie on sale of $14.95 with an additional 25% off makes me CRAZY CRAZY excited. But again, that's HUGE, not small :).

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about my round nose pads.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sooo tried to add a comment last night, but I wasn't able to actually get to your site. Grrr.

I used to live close to a Staples and I found out that I really liked going there, and since it was next to a grocery store, I found myself going there rather often.

How many cats do you have, and what are there names?

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chloe and Saffron (but I call her Saffie for short). There are pictures of both of them on my site...try the September archives.

5:25 PM  

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