Tuesday, September 28, 2004

It was the worst day of my life, what do you think?!

For anyone interested, this is what I've gone through in the last few days:

  • 1 pm it began to rain and didn't really stop...ever.
  • The wind was pretty crazy all night long.
  • 1 am the power went out.
  • It was an awful night. The wind and rain was unrelenting. Windows and doors shook and rattled. Pieces of metal from houses across the street were ripped off and landed in the backyard.
  • By 7 am it was light enough to see outside, so I stepped outside. Shingles were everywhere in the backyard, along with pieces of neighboring roofs, insulation, and chunks of styrofoam.
  • Ice cream for breakfast -- hands down the best part of my day.
  • I became aware and extremely dismayed by the extensive water damage in the house. It was/is awful.
  • Cleaned up the backyard of all the debris. Whew!
  • The wind and rain sill didn't stop. I began to hate the wind.
  • News of Eau Gallie having power set my mom in I in search of coffee (actually, I was along for the ride as I do not drink coffee). We found a Denny's opened and my mom got coffee while I got root beer! Some crazed old man was RANTING and RAVING about a cup of coffee costing $1.49, so my mom told him that she'd buy his coffee (isn't she sweet?).
  • No power turned my attentions toward reading. I nearly read the entire Treasure Island in one day, but did not. I do love to read an entire book in one day. It makes me feel very smart :-).
  • Yay for Capri Suns, Raisenettes, and Cheetos.
  • Ended up going over to my "grandparents" house to spend the night.
  • Called my house early this morning and realized that the phone and power were both restored.
  • Cleaned up my "grandparents" yard.
  • Came home and wet-vacced (that's probably not how to spell that and it might not even be a word) the house. Oh my goodness, it's distressing.
  • Called the insurance agent who said that an adjuster will be out in about 4-5 weeks (thanks a lot!).
  • Found out that Palm Bay High School is one of 24 schools (out of 85 in Brevard) that will be closed for the rest of the week (bringing missed days up to a grand total of 12!).
  • Posting this blog quickly before I head back over to my "grandparents".
I guess you could say that things are getting pretty serious (yes, that is a direct quote from Napoleon Dynamite but I am not using it in reference to me and a boy...I am using it in reference to my overall mood). I just want all of this hurricane stuff to be over with. The damage is pretty bad in some places. Well, that's all I have to say right now.


Blogger Meg said...

Oh, goodness, Alisa Beth! What a set of days! Reading really does help thought sometimes, doesn't it? Nothing in your life must be going very regularly in these days of recovery. My prayers and hopes for both you and your house. Good luck taking care of everything!

11:43 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

Thanks, Meg! Your commented brightened my day :-)!

2:28 PM  

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