Tuesday, September 21, 2004

List O' Links -- Blog Number 99 (I think)

Some of you regular readers may have noticed that I figured out how to use blogroll and have created a list of links in my sidebar. Tiny steps = BIG SMILES in my life! So, I would like to offer an explanation of my links (2 of which I just added today). They are listed in alphabetical order, so I shall explain them in the same order.

Alisa’s (not me) Blog – Her name is so cool and is pronounced the same way as mine, so naturally I had to include her blog in my link list! I found her website, which is really really neat looking, by linking from someone else’s. Not only is her name cool, but she loves Sandra McCracken…so she’s pretty much one of the coolest girls…EVER!

Aunt Alison and Uncle Lonnie’s Pictures – Alison and Lonnie work for/with the LPGA. Lonnie is a caddie and Alison does some type of survey work (I think). They’re both photographers and if you go to their site, you can see some of their handiwork. They’ve also been published in Golf Magazine. Here are 2 awesomely cool stories about their photos. At a Nashville tournament, they took some pictures of Amy Grant (I LOVE her) and developed them…THEN…got her to SIGN the picture! (Also, a few years after that, they saw and photographed her AGAIN and got her to SIGN A BIRTHDAY CARD FOR ME!!) At the Bob Hope Tournament earlier this year they saw President David Palmer (the president on the TV show 24). His real name is Dennis Haysbert. I told Lonnie awhile back that should he ever come head to head with President Palmer, I’d appreciate an autograph that says PRESIDENT PALMER. Lonnie delivered!

Colby’s Blog – I believe I linked onto his site initially from his brother’s site (which I found by searching for Relient K). Anyway, Colby usually has some pretty funny stuff to say and show (I like the nonsense pictures he posts).

Derek Webb – You all should know how I love Derek (a singer/songwriter married to Sandra McCracken).

Jed’s Band – here’s Bleeding Charity’s website, which is pretty neat. Jed is such a dear friend of mine who I met at the University of Miami my freshman year. We played together on a praise and worship band at the Wesley Foundation for a year and I still think of him whenever I sing/play/hear “Be Thou My Vision.” We share a fondness for Caedmon’s Call and Derek and he’s just about one of the funniest and smartest guys…EVER! Once, I lost my blog, and Jed found it floating in cyberspace. I am grateful.

Jed’s Blog
– Jed sometimes posts something neat that he has written, but more often than not, he posts some sound files of things he’s working on.

Karen’s Blog – YAY! I am so happy that Karen has a blog now! She is one of my dearest friends! She taught me how to play the guitar and made me my very own Cinderella dress! She’s my most faithful correspondent in the whole wide world (as she currently resides in Scotland) and I hope that her venturing into the world of blogging won’t affect the traffic of snail mail in my mailbox. Because really, I love getting letters from Karen Jane.

Matt’s Site
– It is because of Matt that I now have “Too Tender” by Caemdon’s Call on my computer. I have tried in vain to secure a CD version of My Calm//Your Storm for more than a year. I have the cassette, but needed the CD so I could send “Too Tender” to a friend. Matt’s a Caedmon’s, Derek, and Sandra fan, so therefore he’s cool! He also comments on my blog and I am quite fond of comments. Thanks, Matt.

Meg’s Blog
– Meg is pretty cool because she loves Jane Austen! She also has curly hair and we all know how much I love curly hair! Meg was the first person to ever place a link to my site on her site. So, she's totally cool for that :-).

Michaela’s Blog – Any Sandra McCracken fan is definitely a friend of mine! Her site looks, and reads, very cool!

Phil’s Journal
– Married to Karen Jane, Philip is very funny…all the time. He doesn’t recognize Peter Pan for the amazing movie that it is. No one is perfect. Philip was pretty much the main reason for this summer's Joke-Off. We wanted to answer the question: Who is funnier? Turns out, we're tied and Karen beat us both!

Ryan’s Pictures
– Ryan is the Bob Dylan lyric king. Definitely a bigger fan than I am (I can admit when I’m beat), Ryan is also very funny…all the time. He also appreciates the pure magic-ness of Peter Pan and has laughed at some of my jokes.

Sandra McCracken
– Ok, I want to be Sandra’s best friend. That’s all I have to say about her.

And that's pretty much it for my list o' links (in case anyone cared).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it sad that I went, "I better be on that list." :-)

And yes, I added you to my list too.

6:06 PM  

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