Saturday, September 25, 2004

Could be the last post for a while.

Brevard County is expecting to get beat up by yet another hurricane, Jeanne. I am really upset about this whole thing. For the last month and a half, my life has been consumed with hurricanes. Thankfully, Brevard didn't get directly hit by Hurricanes Charley or Ivan (although, we did catch the backlash of Ivan earlier this week when he looped back around and drenched us for 2 days straight), but the anticipation of the storms possibly hitting us really can stress one out. Again, thankfully I wasn't home a couple weeks back when Frances came through, but again, it's the stress of watching the news and hearing people's opinions that can really wear on one's nerves. So here we are, hours away from Jeanne.

Yesterday, we got the announcement that school is cancelled on Monday right smack in the middle of the day (so of course the news of no school had kids excited and their attention spans pretty much were nonexistant). After school yesterday I had to deal with fixing another flat tire. (Maybe I haven't mentioned lately how I hate my car!) I have had this car for 7 years and have had so many problems! Ignoring the current noises my car is making, the tires have been going flat (which is particularly irksome to me). After Hurricane Frances, I took my car to get the tires rotated and one of the tires needed a plug. I waited for 3 hours (no LIE!). And what are the odds that the aforementioned tire needed ANOTHER plug because ANOTHER stupid nail found its way into the tread?! Fortunately it didn't take 3 hours to plug up this go around. After tending to the tire, it was time to pass by Don and Ginnie's house to help them put up their boards. Then...I had to brave the grocery store. It was unbelievable. I turned the cart down the bread aisle and couldn't help but exclaim aloud, "You've got to be kidding me." There were only about 20 loaves of whole wheat bread left upon the MANY bread shelves. The lines were the longest I've ever seen them (and I have seen some really long grocery store lines on Christmas Eve and the day before Thanksgiving). Then I went on the hunt for gas. Don told me that he waited in line for gas for about 45 minutes earlier that afternoon. After passing by several gas stations with either entirely long lines or bags over all the pumps, I decided that I just wasn't going to worry about it.

Wouldn't you know that I didn't get enough C batteries last night to fill the radio in case the power goes off (which I'm quite sure WILL happen and it makes me sick to my stomach to think about going days without power, that might sound really stupid, but it concerns me). So I went out just a couple of hours ago to secure some more batteries. Guess what?! Getting gas was relatively painless (probably because everyone and their brother got it yesterday). However, the search for 2 more C batteries was sadly in vain. Oh well.

The wind has already arrived and it was sprinkling when I went out. The really awful thing is that Hurricane Frances debris has STILL not been picked up, so all the neighbors' piles of branches and other things will become airborne missiles when Jeanne breezes in. I'm concerned about this. I feel so badly for all the people who have roof damage that still isn't fixed because guess what? They're saying that Jeanne might be worse than Frances. One good thing though is that Jeanne is fast moving (none of Frances's 1-4 mph crap).

So the grand total of hurricane days (missed days from school) is up to 8. Who knows what it will go up to once we find out what Jeanne is capable of doing? Missing all this school has also been very stressful. The make-up schedule is still to be determined and the grading periods have been thrown off whack.

GOSH! I am really upset! How much are we supposed to take with all of this hurricane stuff? I know that I've been very blessed in terms of home damage, but all the anticipation and the news and seeing the neighbors who haven't been as blessed as me has really gotten to me! I'm just glad that BrightHouse got the cable up and running again (even though in about 10 hours it probably won't be working). The cable went out for a couple of hours this morning, affecting my ability to watch the news and to get on the internet.

So this might be the last post for a while! I do have several AA batteries though, so should the power go out, at least I'll have the ability to listen to some music :-).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't get hurricanes, but we do get tornadoes. At least those hit a very small area versus hurricanes which like to see how many states they can it.

With the gas thing, stations may of had an emergency drop off of more gas, or they could have naturally gotten more during those days. With batteries, the stores proabably had to wait until their truck comes in, which is generally on Monday.

I'll be praying though.


2:54 AM  

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