Tuesday, January 11, 2005

the brightest firefly

I'm falling in love with Copeland (a band). And this is part of the reason why:

And I just know that she warms my heart
And knows what all my imperfections are
And she says that I am the brightest little firefly in her jar

I pretty much love fireflies (and hate when others call them lightning bugs). Of course, a firefly is way more magical than a lightning bug. I have three memories associated with fireflies and here they are in order of most recent:

12/31/04, Kissimmee, FL - Sitting around the camp fire as Philip and Amy tried their luck at jumping over the flames, I sat silenced by the beauty of the sparks that flickered up from the fire. They looked like tiny fireflies and I sat staring at them, wishing that they were.

Summer '04, Wilmore, KY - Sitting outside with wet cats while reading hidden info on Peter Pan in Ryan's backyard, fireflies flickered on and off. I love them.

Sometime during childhood, Marietta, GA - Running around at dusk in my grandmother's backyard, I collected the magical fireflies with my mother's assistance. They reminded me of a Glow Worm (which I never had, but nearly all my friends did). I was happy that I had the real thing: a jar filled with fireflies.

So, given my attraction to the magical things, it's no wonder that I have grown particularly fond of Copeland's song "Brightest". The sweetest, most magical metaphor I've heard thus far of someone's object of affection is the brightest little firefly in [the] jar. Seriously, I love it.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

me, philip, and karen jane at our napoleon dynamite party Posted by Hello

me, marnie jane, and amy Posted by Hello

my camping experience with baby marnie Posted by Hello