Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Back in the day...

When I attended Palm Bay High, I don't remember kids hackey sacking during lunch. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a Yugioh Club (I'm fairly certain that Yugioh didn't exist). One of my teachers loved OJ Simpson and believed with all her heart in his innocence. She had an autographed picture of Johnny Cochran framed and proudly displayed on her desk. She went to the beauty shop every Tuesday evening because it was her "fill" day (she had acryllic nails). She wore slip on flats every day of the week and had them in every color to match her jersey material pants and matching shirts. She loved Ben-Hur and Hamlet. I actually never had her as a teacher, she was the student council sponsor who I talked into creating "Independent Gifted Studies" for me to take during my senior year (which basically meant a phase 5 study hall).

Of the three years I was in high school, I never ate lunch in the cafeteria once and only lunched in the commons area a handfull of times (one of which happened to be the time when a big black guy from Cocoa High came on campus and shot a gun right in front of was crazy). Sophomore year, Dana and I spent many days eating lunch in the orchestra/band room since 5th period was orchestra and lunch period. Junior year, I lunched with the AP Biology kids in Mrs. Howell's room (she's the smartest woman in the world and actually writes the FCAT...I don't lie). Senior year I lunched with Mrs. Cochran and Matthew (Clark Kent). Those were some good times. I pretty much owned Mrs. Cochran's computer that year and she introduced me to the world wide web.

I had the most fun in my English classes all through high school. I had the same teacher for 10th and 12th grades, Miss Huba. I remember my mom and I went to parent conference night and met with the killer chemistry teacher who pretty much crushed and ruined me. I was in tears and we went to Miss Huba's room because my mom wanted to meet her. I told her why I was crying and she was reminded of when she was in college at UF. Apparently she was failing some class and called her mom and informed her that she was quitting, would be coming home, and asked her to call the manager at Wendy's to see if she could get her job back. It's amazing to me how serious and life-altering something can be...and how trivial it becomes in time.

I think once 25 hits, time moves more quickly.

Paris in 32 days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO Mr. Pekich!!!
Sorry, but he IS my hero...

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow I missed the Paris thing. What's going on?

7:12 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

I'm spending Christmas in Paris. :)

7:53 PM  

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