Friday, September 09, 2005


Hey, kids. It's a-b reporting from K-207 (my classroom) after hours. Yep, it's nearly 10.21 and I'm sitting up in my classroom waiting for the parking lot to clear out so that I can get out with ease (you see, the ROTC people made me park in the back of the school...I followed their instructions without question and now I'm blocked in because the school that played us has their buses parked in the lanes that I need to use to get out).

This game was my first complete football game. Ever. The following is a list of the games I've attended:
  • part of the homecoming game my senior year of high school
  • the first home game my senior year of was in the middle of a Thursday afternoon in the pouring rain...we stayed until half time
  • a freshman game the first year I was teaching at PBHS...and the ONLY game the freshman lost that year. They blamed me for bad luck. I only stayed until half time.
  • the Kickoff Classic last year that got cancelled due to lightning
  • and, tonight's game

I can't wait until two weeks when I get to come back for another evening of sweaty fun. The National Honor Society collected HUNDREDS of dollars tonight. It will be exciting to hear from Red Cross the exact total (but, one person gave us a check for $320 tonight! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!). I sat with some fun cross country girls for the first half of the game and then switched to teacher mode and sat with another teacher in the band section. Since I'm completely football illiterate, Mr. Smith had to explain every single thing that was going on. It was great sitting next to the band though...lots of energy. Plus, it was neat to see so many of my students playing their little hearts out.

I almost forgot to mention the most exciting part of the night: WE WON IN OVERTIME! The score was 26 to 20. And, I hear that the school we played tonight, Cocoa, was pretty it was a worthy win. I had loads of pretty hot and sweaty now...and I think enough time has passed that would afford me an easy exit from school.

So, good night.


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