Wednesday, November 09, 2005


The long anticipated Copeland show was this past Sunday at The Social in Orlando. There really aren't words to express how amazing it was. Here's the report...

Sadly, Sean had to be present at the Puerto Rican Pride Parade for band, so we couldn't get as early of a start as I would have liked...which meant we were quite uncertain as to whether or not we'd have time to dine at P.F. Changs (and quite honestly, I'd be anticipating a P.F. Changs dinner almost as much as I had been anticipating this concert). Driving down (or up, rather) 95, Sean decided that he'd go straight to the source to find out what time the show was actually starting (our tickets stipulated that the doors opened at 6). So, I was just chilling out in the passenger seat as he called Aaron (for those of you who don't know, Aaron and Sean are cousins and it so happens that Aaron is the front man for Copeland). And, I'm just kidding...I was NOT just chilling in the passenger seat...more like mildly hyperventilating whilst Sean was on the phone. The report from Aaron was that Copeland was going to hit the stage somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 to we decided that we'd just skip P. F. Changs. Instead, we dined at some Chinese buffet that was no where near as awesome as Changs.

We got to The Social in time, we thought, to catch Daphne Loves Derby, the band that was to immediately precede Copeland (there were three opening acts). HOWEVER, we walked in during the middle of the first band's set. Both Sean and I were irritated with the late-running schedule because it meant that we didn't have to skip out on Changs. Oh well. Melee wasn't anything to write home about. The Spill Canvas, boys from South Dakota, were all right and it was cool to hear the crowd scream/sing their lyrics along with them. Finally, Daphne Loves Derby took the stage and they were not as great as I thought they were going to be (I kind of got familiar with them through because I knew they were the main openers for Copeland). In the middle of D.L.D's set, Sean leans over and very calmly says, "Hey, there's Aaron." I looked toward the door and SURE ENOUGH, Aaron casually walked in the door with a Starbucks cup in hand. No one even noticed, it seemed, until Sean went up to greet him. I thought that was pretty cool!

Finally, around 9.30, Copeland began and they played one of my favorite songs first, "Pin Your Wings", and then went immediately into another one of my favorites, "She Changes Your Mind." On the car ride over to the show, I had compiled a list of 6 songs that I desperately wanted them to play and right off the bat, they knocked out two of the songs! I had been waiting SO LONG to see Copeland live and the feeling of just standing there and in the midst of the show was overwhelming! We had worked our way to a good vantage point (but really, the place is so small that it really didn't matter where we stood, it would have been a good vantage point) and I had a PERFECT view of the band. Being the piano lover that I am, I was thrilled to see the keyboard set up towards the front center of the stage and was even more thrilled when Aaron took the bench and played three songs, "Sleep", "Coffee", and "Brightest." Now, "Brightest" is one of the songs that I love most (and in fact, somewhere around the beginning of January I posted an entry on the song)...and I was thrilled to hear it. All the girls were singing loudly along with Aaron when he sang it.

Just in case someone reading actually knows the band, these are the other songs they sang:
Don't Slow Down (from my list)
Love is a Fast Song
You Have My Attention
Take Care (from my list)
California (amazing live)
Paula Sparks
Hold Nothing Back (which was amazing live)
No One Really Wins (from my list)

After the show, Sean and I waited until the crowd dispersed and then we had a chance to chat with Aaron. I was trying my best not to freak out, as I'm easily star struck. I think I did a pretty good job and quelling my enthusiasm, but I'm afraid I couldn't help it when I discovered that Aaron had gone to the Death Cab for Cutie concert!! It's neat to think of him listening to the same music as I do (but, as I pointed out to Briana, there's no way in heck that he pops in his own cds to jam to whilst driving down the interstate). I told him that I had compiled a list of 6 songs and that they sang all but one of them: "Choose the One Who Loves You More." He explained that he really likes the song and they tried to include it on this tour, but found out pretty quickly into it that it wasn't going to work out as they had planned. I didn't want to ask for an autograph, so Sean ended up asking Aaron to sign my ticket stub! We got a picture together and then we had to hit the road (as it was a school night). The following night, Monday, was to be their last show on their tour and it was at the same place, The Social. Seriously, if I didn't have to go to parent teacher conferences, I would have been back for round 2.

I feel like I'm still floating on air and I can't stop thinking about the concert or singing Copeland songs in my head!

Well, it's nearly 4.30 and I want to leave school now. I just wanted to update on Copeland! Stay tuned...


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