Wednesday, November 30, 2005

On the last day of November...

Pride and Prejudice = good movie. Not as magical as I had hoped, but then again, my expectations for pure magic pretty much make most things impossible to live up to. Hopefully, I will see it again soon.

It's the last day of November and I find that hard to believe. I found the most amazing shoes. Click here if you'd like to see them.

Matthew came home for Thanksgiving break and I had the pleasure of hanging out with him twice! He charmed his way into getting us a table at Thai Thai II on a very crowded and chilly night! He pretty much is my hero for that. We think it was his emo-y sweater that did the trick. We ended up playing a million video games like Mario Smash, 007, Shrek 2, Dead or Alive, and my personal favorite, Tetris. I was fortunate enough to be included in the big family left over turkey soup and turkey pot pie dinner. His family is one of the most fun families I've ever been around! And, to make it even better, they all like each other and get along!

The day after Thanksgiving, I watched A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and The Return of the Jedi. Seriously, I am in love with Star Wars. I've yet to watch the newer episodes, but I've borrowed them all from Matt's dad, so in due time I will complete my task. I'm also proud to report that I've gotten quite good at Star Wars Battlefront II. My high score of people killed is 56! Now, usually I'm in the solid twenties, but once I got up to 44 and then as a fluke, I hit 56 last weekend. And, I'm pretty proud of this: I am consistently awarded Dead Eye (the most head shots).

PBHS lost our football game last Friday, so I won't be joining the Law Academy on their Washinginton, D.C. trip. Oh well, I've got Paris to look forward to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is some part of your life going so well as to preclude blogging altogether, hmm??

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Se Magnifique Paris!

11:52 PM  

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