Thursday, June 24, 2004

Teacher Sightings

When I was in the third grade, I loved going to the grocery store for two reasons: my mom used to let me pick out a bottle of juice to drink in the store and I knew that I would probably run into Mrs. Rincones, my third grade teacher. 95% of the time we grocery shopped on the same day as Mrs. Rincones. I don’t know how it worked out that way, but I was pretty happy when we ran into her. I loved her, as I loved most of my teachers, and I thought it was extra cool to see my teacher outside of the classroom. I don’t think kids feel that way anymore. Or maybe once they hit junior high, seeing their teachers outside of the classroom isn’t extra cool any more.

Since I teach high school, running into my students is unavoidable. High school kids, after all, work. Most of them work in grocery stores and fast food restaurants. Those who don’t work hit the three biggest places to go to in Melbourne: Walmart, the mall, and Barnes and Noble. I’ll always remember my first run in with a student. It happened during the first couple of weeks of school.). I saw a student of mine, with his parents, multiple times in the grocery store. Each time I saw him, I’d try to say hello, but he would look the other way and even dart down an aisle. Weird! This behavior puzzled me! How come he couldn’t just say hello, smile, or even nod at me? I asked some of my other students about this, and they confirmed that it’s creepy to run into teachers outside of school. Their worst fear was running into a teacher and hearing him/her say something bad about them to their parents. Hmmm…I thought this was absurd. I told my kids, “If I ever see you guys in public, please say hello! I promise I won’t talk to your parents!”

Well, my announcement didn’t work. Two of my girl students told me on a Monday that they had seen me in Walmart during the weekend and had run the other way. Their behavior puzzled me even more than the grocery store boy. You see, grocery store boy later on got suspended for cussing me out (so, no big surprise that he wouldn’t say hello to me), but Walmart girls routinely went out of their way during their school day to come to my portable (in the boonies) to say hello. Strange!

Then, in one evening, I saw 4 different students in the mall. [This was the last time I went to the mall. I decided that the mall was just too much to handle!] Each of their reactions was different though. One girl seemed surprise to see me in Hot Topic, but was friendly and even introduced me to her mother [But, I feel compelled to mention that this was my third run in with this particular student. The first two, at Staples and a shoe store, came and went without her being brave enough to say hello.] One boy (who wasn’t even a student of mine) called out, “It’s Barnes and Noble Lady [you see, I used to work at Barnes and Noble],” as he approached me with open arms ready for a hug. I shook his hand instead. Another boy COMPLETELY ignored me!! The 4th boy also ignored me, but I could tell he was trying to be cool in front of his friends. The following Monday though, he at least mentioned seeing me. I’ve found that those students who work at fast food restaurants and grocery stores are much friendlier.
I have noticed a difference between the students who just happen to be out and about and those students who are working. The workers, generally, are more friendly! The grocery store girls are friendly! Two students of mine worked at Chick Fil-A, which was great fun for me because they’d bring me coupons! I got a kick of them handing me my 6 piece kid’s meal through the drive through window .

When I used to work in Barnes and Noble on Friday nights, I would see lots of students. I enjoyed running into students at Barnes and Noble because at least they were reading, and they usually had their parents with them. Most students at B&N were friendly and would come and say hello, although there were always the stories come Monday, “Hey, Miss Mix, I saw you at Barnes and Noble on Friday.” To which I would respond, “How come you didn’t say hello?”

But, the really great run ins with students happen on Sunday mornings! I love to hear, “Hey, Miss Mix,” yelled out in the commons area at church! And on the off chance that I get to sit next to a student in church, it’s always fun…especially if the choir is singing up on stage (right, Heather?).

Anyway, this blog was prompted by a run in with a student in Walmart (big surprise)! I was looking at Harry Potter posters (Emily has a major crush on Harry, so I am on the lookout for a good H.P. poster) and I heard a, “Hey, Miss Mix!” So, I was glad that my student said hello, even though I was standing there looking at silly posters. I was also thinking about seeing teachers in public because a couple weeks ago, I was having dinner with a friend and in walked Mr. and Mrs. Regan (the science teachers who I had for three years in a row when I was in 7-9 grade). It’s funny because the minute I saw them enter the restaurant, I freaked out! My heart started beating uncontrollably and I wanted to avoid eye contact with them. With my heart pounding in my chest, I began to understand what some of my students must feel when they round the Walmart aisle and see me standing there looking at Harry Potter posters. Too bad that childhood innocence and the joy of hoping to run into your teacher is lost once junior high sets in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great little story, I laughed. The mall is too much, huh. I remember seeing my teachers in the mall. I saw them there so much I wondered if they had anything else to do but go to the mall. The weird thing was always seeing them in blue jeans. During school they are always dressed up, and then, blue jeans!


3:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from Phil

Nice new back ground! Classy...

5:36 PM  

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