Monday, July 05, 2004

A Homecoming

My siser-in-law, Denise, returned home yesterday from her 9 month stint in Baghdad! Welcome home, Deinse! Quite the homecoming on the 4th of July :-).

I'm not one who usually looks forward to the 4th of July. It's probably my least favorite holiday. Not that I'm not patriotic; I am proud to be an American (at most times). I get teary eyed when I sing "God Bless America" and I enjoy a colorful display of fireworks in front of the TV, but I don't really like the 4th of July. Snappy pops (you know those things that you throw down and they snap and pop?!) and sparklers have always frightened me and fireworks can certainly be scary too, so the 4th of July isn't all that fun for me. The watermelon is fun, but I can eat that any day of the week.

Surprisingly enough, I had a very enjoyable 4th of July this year and I found myself a little disappointed that we didn't sing "God Bless America" or "America, the Beautiful" in church. After church, I scooted on over to Orlando to Christie and Kevin's for a good ole' 4th cookout BBQ. They JUST moved into their new house this past week and I got the grand tour. The burgers were good, the company was nice, and their cats ARE huge. After seeing their cats, I can stop worrying about my poor Chloe (I've had her on a light cat food diet for quite some time now).

The party didn't end at the Lo's (Christie and Kevin). I then headed back to Palm-tucky (what Matt and I affectionately call Palm Bay) to go to Matt's 4th of July Shin-Dig. We proved ourselves to be very sucky bocce ball players. I had never played bocce ball, and it is kind of a dumb game. However, it's strangely amusing. The fireworks display finally began and flying bits of molten ash hit us in the eyes (which was scary). His family tried their hardest to get a sing along started with "God Bless America," but when some finally began singing, they sang, "Oh beautiful, for spacious skies..." Wrong song. At least they didn't bust out with, "Stop, collaborate and listen..." :-)

So yay! The 4th of July was a hit! I didn't wear red, white, or blue but opted instead for pink (looking back though, I should have worn the red boots...oh well). The 4th of July might not be my least favorite holiday any longer. I think it's now St. Patrick's Day.

I watched this movie called "My Life Without Me" today. It was kind of slow, but I rented it because Ben from "Felicity" (Scott Speedman) and the boy from "13 Going on 30" were in it, so I stuck it out. It made me cry a lot. This girl, not even 24, who is married with 2 small girls is diagnosed with 2 months to live. She decides not to tell anyone and tapes messages to her husband and her children and even tries to find her husband a new wife for when she's gone. (It is kind of reminiscent of "My Life" with Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman.) The girl isn't a saint, but her infidelites and secrecy are stragely forgivable. I tried putting myself in her position, and I don't think that I'd be able to keep my impending death to myself...even if I wanted to.

I like movies or stories that make me think...that make things which are normally "bad" seem ok, if that makes sense. With the help of my favorite English professor in college, I began to learn that people aren't wholly good or bad and that things aren't always black or white, which is what I had thought my whole life. I always enjoy remembering that there are always some redeemable things in "bad" people and there are always some damnable things in "good" people. And, we walk a thin line inbetween. I always like discovering things that turn everything that I used to think upside down. At first when changes like this happens, I am angry. But, it's a good anger. I am angry that I thought the wrong things for so long, but I'm also happy that I can see things through different lenses, more thoughtful lenses. From now on, I'm going to like the 4th of July, too.

Anyway, I will end now. I have the biggest crick in my neck! It is painful and annoying!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, give St. Patrick's Day a chance. You can drink green beer (or some other less fun beverage), and if you're Irish (or if you say you are) you might get kissed. Who's against that?

5:55 PM  

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