Sunday, August 22, 2004

the lambs

When my brother turned 15 years old, Virginia Lamb presented him with a peanutbutter pie. We all kind of thought it was strange that Alias would be gifted with a pie, but there was an explanation. Virginia, Ginnie for short, had taken a peanutbutter pie to a family night potluck dinner one Tuesday night. Alias had eaten a piece and apparently loved it. Ginnie remembered and when his birthday rolled around, she made him one. We didn't even know the Lambs, but we soon would come to know them well.

The following year we were invited to their house for a Labor Day Luncheon. I still remember what I was wearing that day (bright blue shorts and a bright blue and white striped t-shirt with 2 teddy bears on it...come on, I had just turned 11). I remember the drive to the Lambs' house. Alias was living with our dad and I had gone over to visit them for the weekend. It had poured that weekend and the streets were flooded. I also remember how Ruth Giddings (who has since passed away) was talking about the coral colored shoes she had ordered from JC Penney's.

The Labor Day picnic was great. We made homemade peanutbutter and I got to play their player piano! Labor Day marks the beginning of our grandparent/granddaughter-esque relationship. We celebrate our anniversary every year. (In a few weeks we'll enjoy our 14th anniversary.)

So, the Lambs are, in essense, my grandparents. They have been to every single orchestra concert of mine (of which I can easily count up at least 20) and award ceremony. Plus, after each concert, they'd take me out to Friendly's for an ice cream sundae (and everyone knows how much I love ice cream). They took me to Disney World for my 12th birthday and surprised me with a trip to Silver Springs (I don't think there was a special occasion for that one...but it was the time I got chased by aggressive peacocks). Once, Don came to my rescue when I was home alone and attempting to do laundry and all of a sudden water burst out from somewhere around the washing machine and was flying everywhere. I've spent weekends staying with them when my mom went out of town. They taught me how to play Mexican dominoes, Chicky Foot, Hand and Foot, and Rumicube. They've picked me up from school when my mom couldn't. They even took me down to UM! I'll never forget Don sitting there building my bookcase in my small dorm room. And, when we determined that the lighting left something to be desired, they disappeared and came back with a brand new hallogen lamp (before they were illegal in the dorms). Ginnie used to make me a special oyster cracker mix and give it to me in cool whip containers. I love that stuff. Also...every Sunday after church, they took us out to lunch.

This Sunday we didn't go out to lunch. Ginnie woke me up with the craziest phone call...EVER. Last night, at 1:00 am, a car ran into their house. Don went immediately outside to see what had happened and discovered 5 police cars that were apparently chasing the SUV that had crashed into their front bedroom. The man who was driving the SUV ran away and the police, with the aid of police dogs and a helicopter, searched until 4:00 am this morning for the runaway man. The police didn't tell Don and Ginnie why they were chasing the man, but they did mention that the other person in the car, a woman, had been kidnapped. (She did not run with the man, and was taken in by the police.) I went by after church to see the damage. Surprisingly, their grass isn't torn up and Don has already boarded the site of entry up. But come on! Isn't that the craziest, most absurd thing you've ever heard? I'm just thankful that they're ok.


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