Saturday, August 14, 2004

oreos for breakfast

Question of the day: What would life be like without Oreos?

So, I recently told Kelly (proudly, I might add) that while in college, I ate an entire bag of Oreos in one sitting. Wide eyed, she responded with, "Did your boyfriend break up with you?" I stared back at her thinking, "Why? Because I ate an entire bag of Oreos and probably gained a few pounds because of my indulgence?" So I asked, "Why did you say that?" And she, matter of factly, responded with, "Because, WHY ELSE WOULD YOU EAT AN ENTIRE BAG OF OREOS?" Ha, what a funny girl! I had a simple explanation, "Because I lack self control when it comes to Oreos." And then Kelly, always saying something smartly funny, said, "I bet you could have used that gallon of milk then, huh?" (Mostly everyone knows the story about me trying to drink a gallon of milk in an hour...if not, now you know the short version.)

I've paced myself with the Oreos this time around. The bag was opened yesterday afternoon and this morning, there are...(hold on while I count the remaining delicious cookies...7 left. The hurricane has come and gone and for all of you who were really worried about me (just kidding), no need. Melbourne survived. On with the rest of my Saturday...


Blogger Kate said...

have you ever tried oreos with peanut butter? or sort of smashed up and mixed into ice cream? also, you can bash them up and pour milk on them and eat them instead of that oreo breakfast cereal, which i found disappointing. not to like contribute to your addiction, or anything.

oh, and guess what i'm reading...

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oreos are full of dangerous partially hydrogenated oils so be careful!

7:01 PM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Hey..thanks for the comment on my blog...I think I'll be checking back here often =o)

Oh, I like the Newman-O's take on Oreos...better for me ;o)

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oreo's and a container of Cool-Whip!!!!! Now that is heaven!!!!

8:38 PM  

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