Tuesday, August 10, 2004

water and mountains

You have calmed greater waters and higher mountains have come down...

The above are lyrics from a Jars of Clay song that I have heard too many times to count. But I really heard it for the first time as I was driving to Bible study tonight. A lot of things were/are on my mind concerning school, life, the future, the present and those words really got me thinking. [And, they distracted me from Bible study, which I was actually happy for...because sadly, I'm not a big fan of the Bible study I'm going to right now.] So, here's what I was thinking:

So often I'm caught up in my own troubles and situations. While I pray about the concerns of my heart and have faith that all things do work together for the good of those who love Him and I don't doubt God's creativity (for He can see how to work impossible puzzles out), I do find myself struggling with the background fears of, "This situation is too sticky/totally unfair/never going to get better," or, "There's no way any good can come of this." But, ha! God has calmed greater waters than my little pond and has brought down higher mountains than my molehill obstacles. I guess I'm realizing how egocentric I can be. I don't like that. Who would? I often think about my situations, concerns, worries, and problems and how unique they are and way too difficult to handle. But they're not unique nor difficult in the grand scheme of things. They aren't really important. There's nothing new under the sun. I shouldn't be so focused on myself and how I want things worked out for me, selfishly. How humbling to realize that God has indeed calmed greater waters and certainly brought down higher mountains. And as incredibly humbling that realization has been, it's equally comforting. For my God is big enough to hangle anything (even my trivial stuff).

That's all. This is the shortest post in a while. It was the first day of school. And, it was the best first day of school...EVER. I will probably write about it tomorrow.


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