Monday, August 09, 2004

copy cat me

I saw this profile questionnaire on Meg's blog and thought it was kind of I brought it on over to mine.

Name: Alisa Beth Mix (different people call me different things, but those closest to me call me Alisa Beth)
Birth date: June 14, 1979
Birthplace: Cape Canaveral Hospital, Cocoa Beach, FL
Current Location: Palm Bay, FL
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: That color that is nearly brown, but it's really not brown
Height: 5'8"
Righty or Lefty: Right, although I went through a phase in elementary school when I ate with my left hand to be cool
Your heritage: English and German
The shoes you wore today: my old grey N shoes (New Balance)
Your weakness: which one? How about procrastination.
Your fears: being attacked by a squirrel or bird, missing an episode of ALIAS
Your perfect pizza: Pizza Gallery's Rembrandt (a white pizza with shrimp and pasta)
Goal you'd like to achieve: I have several that I already mentioned in a previous post.
Your bedtime: 11 pm, give or take
Pepsi or Coke: ever since I toured the Coke Factory, I've pledged my allegiance to it
McDonald's or Burger King: Does Chick-Fil-A count? Hmmm...I like the flame broiled Burger King deal, but McDonald's Happy Meals are fun.
Single or group dates: If it's in a group, then it's really not a date, is it?
Iced Tea or Nestea: What's that? Nasty? (a friend of mine once confused the words Nasty and Nestea...she Asian, it was a hilarious mistake when she kept asking boy visitors, "Hey, do you want some Nasty?")
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: tea, please...but, if I was going to get a coffee drink, it wouldn't be at the 7-11, sorry Karen.
Get along with your parent(s)? Yes
Like thunderstorms? No, I LOVE thunderstorms.
Play an instrument? Guitar, piano, and cello
Gotten beaten up? By someone other than my older brother? No. But, I was slapped once by a scary girl when I beat her in tetherball.
What country would you most like to visit: I'd rather just stay in this country and visit the Grand Canyon.

And, lastly, favorites:
Food: watermelon, ice cream, potatoes
Magazine(s): ALIAS
TV Show(s): ALIAS, 24
Movie(s): PETER PAN, Napoleon Dynamite, Mansfield Park
Nail polish color: anything pink (even if it's HOT)
Celebrity: well, what kind of celebrity? Actor? I like anyone from ALIAS or 24, especially Michael Vartan (can you get any cuter?!) and Victor Garber (oh yes, I guess you CAN get cuter than Vartan!).
Restaurant: Chick-Fil-A, Applebees (because their fries are so good)
Soap Opera: I'm ashamed to admit it, but Passions and Days of our Lives (however, those are from my college days)


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