Monday, August 02, 2004

The Best Road Trip...EVER

The best road trip ever began last Tuesday at 10 am, and continued on until 10 am this morning when I arrived back home, safe and sound. I wish that I could say that I knew all along that it’d be the best road trip ever, but I can’t. You see, destinations changed, disappointments were suffered, and some anxiety was felt…but fortunately, driving 2,426 miles affords lots of time for being still and quiet, listening to music, and praying (especially once you cross over into Tennessee, which is breathtaking to drive through). So, let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…

Last Tuesday I arrived in Marietta, GA (just outside of Atlanta) at about 6 pm to visit my grandmother. It was an important visit of sorts, since it will probably be the last time I ever visit her at 2563 (her house number). In October she is moving. She moved to 2563 the same year I was born, so I grew up visiting her there. Being only an 8 hr. drive, we would often go up for a visit (one time leaving immediately after a Dylan concert ended around midnight…driving straight through until morning)! Anyway, 2563 is so familiar. Her backyard was so much fun to play in. Her white porch swing was so much fun to swing on. But mostly, whenever I would go visit Mums, I’d spend all my time either playing with my Aunt Alison’s old Barbie dolls (she had a Barbie doll hotdog stand) or sitting on the floor looking through all the photo albums. Looking through those photo albums is something I could never grow tired of! I love seeing my mom as a kid and I always have the thought that if I was born 30 years earlier, we’d have been great friends. Well, I didn’t play with Barbies or look through old photo albums on this visit. Mums had a nice dinner waiting for me and then we watched the democratic convention.

Wednesday morning, probably around 10 am, I headed north for Blountville, TN (which is in the right hand corner of the state…it’s as if you could stand with one foot in TN and one foot in VA. I traveled to Blountville to see Patrick and Aubrey. I haven’t seen them, or really been in contact with them, since their wedding last July (which was a totally amazing and beautiful wedding on top of a mountain in Sweetwater, TN). Pat and Aubrey weren’t expecting me until 6 pm, so I had some time to kill. I didn’t bother looking at a map (well, I didn’t have a map to look at), but rather wanted to be free to read road signs and just pull off the interstate whenever I wanted to. I decided to pull off when I saw the signs for the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. While trying to get to the park, I first had to go through about 20 miles of a tourist trap in Dolly Land and Pigeon Forge, which was mildly annoying. The Smokey Mountains were amazing. The road that runs through them is awfully close to a river, so as I drove through with my windows down, I heard the running water…and Amy Grant (as I carefully selected her cd Lead Me On to be the soundtrack for my mountainous journey). Every now and then I’d come up to a clearing and I would literally lose my breath and my heart would skip a beat because it was so beautiful! I guess I’m glad that I’ve been born and raised in hot and flat Florida, because now it’s like I’m waking up to the rest of the world whenever I see something new. I love seeing each hill and curve in a road! It’s just so unlike Florida. I got to Patrick and Aubrey’s right at 6 pm and was scared to death to pull into their driveway. It was nearly a 90 degree angle (ok, so it wasn’t that steep, but it certainly was a great inclined plane!). What an awesome evening we shared! Patrick and Aubrey both just graduated from seminary and this last week was Patrick’s orientation to…MEDICAL SCHOOL! So now, instead of calling him Pastor Pat, I call him Dr. Pat! Anyway, we went into the town where his med school was and had a great dinner (all of us ordering the same thing…how often does that happen??!!). Then we went to the cutest coffee shop EVER, Cow and Coffee, where I had delicious apple cider. Aubrey told the entire story of her and Patrick meeting, dating, falling in love, getting engaged, and getting married. Hearing their story made my entire insides smile, it’s that sweet! I got to see the wedding pictures, and some honeymoon pictures (Patrick surprised Aubrey by taking her to Anne of Green Gables country…Prince Edward Island…what I saw of it was truly beautiful!). Afterwards, we headed back to their house, which is simply charming and beautiful too! It just turned 100 years old! The ceilings are very high, which I think is great! We watched the DVD of their wedding, and proposal (which was hilarious to see unsuspecting Aubrey scream!). We had a great prayer time together and then it was time for bed! The next morning, Aubrey made a lovely breakfast for the two of us (as Patrick had to leave bright and early for med school orientation). Aubrey and I had a great time getting to know one another better (we both love to scrapbook!!). I hated to leave, but I had to get to Music City!

Thursday morning I hit the road around 11 am and headed toward Nashville. The 4.5 hr drive from Blountville to Nashville was the most beautiful one I encountered. I’d just be driving along this twisting highway and come upon a huge expanse of wildflowers right in the grassy median. The flowers were amazing! There were yellows, oranges, reds, pinks. I wanted to pull over so badly and just stare at them, but there were no pull over spots L. I pulled off the highway again in search of another National Park, Cumberland Gap. It couldn’t live up to the Great Smokey Mountains, but it was a nice highway break. I arrived in Nashville and found my hotel with no problems. I quickly changed into my red boots and cowgirl snap shirt and I headed out, once again without a map, to find Belmont University and Bongo Java’s. Probably about 2 hours later, I was finally on Belmont Blvd. My feet hurt and it was so hot that my boots and cowgirl snap shirt found their way into my trunk before too long. I went to Bongo Java’s, home of the infamous nun bun (a cinnamon bun with the visage of Mother Teresa), and got a terribly overpriced peanut butter cookie (which was good) and a pina coloda smoothie (which eventually made me want to throw up). I climbed the huge hill to Belmont University, settled myself in a pinkish gazebo (there were gazebos ALL over…very charming), wrote in my journal, ate my cookie, drank my smoothie, and then realized that I was feeling too ill to continue sitting there. I walked back to my car and it was nearly 7:30. Not knowing what to do, I decided to go to Opry Mills (an unbelievably and unnecessarily huge mall) to kill some time. I was feeling really disappointed with my Nashville trip – seeing as though I have pretty much dreamed of eventually moving/living there. I thought that once I got to Nashville I’d be elated, my heart would be full, and I’d be so excited at the prospects of movie there. But, that didn’t happen. I was also kind of lonely and remembering all my Nashville trips, which all happened with my dad. I even tried giving him a call…but he didn’t answer. Anyway, I had hoped to see Garden State, the movie with the guy from Scrubs and Natalie Portman, but it wasn’t playing (I hate when movies open in limited release…which really means, “Hey, we’re sorry that you don’t live in LA or New York, you’re losers and we don’t want you to see our movie!”). I set out to find some yellow low top Converse…and found them in the last store I went to. However, the smallest size they had was about 2 sizes too big. Denied. Leaving the mall, I got on the wrong highway and it was pitch black dark, so I was annoyed and a little scared. But, with a little bit of patience, and the tunes of happy Relient K, I found my way and made it back to my stellar hotel which was directly in the flight pattern of Nashville’s International Airport! My shaky Nashville experience ended brilliantly though, with a phone conversation with Ryan in Wilmore, KY…my next day’s destination.

On Friday I left Nashville around 10:30 and wasn’t too sad to leave the Bat Building behind (one of Music City’s trademark building, Bell South, that towers over all others in downtown). Eventually, I was through the bustling city traffic and back to winding roads with signs that call your attention to Falling Rocks (too funny). Since the drive to Wilmore was only about 4 hours and I didn’t need to be there until 7 pm, I had quite a bit of time to kill. My mom, having looked at a map, called to tell me to try to check out Mammoth Cave National Park calling it the 8th wonder of the world. So, sure enough, I pulled off the highway in order to check it out. On my way I came across Jellystone National Park (oh yes, Yogi Bear’s home!). It was too funny. Tiny little cabins everywhere, wooden cutouts of BooBoo and Yogi all over the place, and a big plastic Yogi guarding the steps to the pool slide. The cave was pretty amazing. It’s the biggest cave in the world spreading 365 miles. It remains at a constant 54 degrees all year, so it was lovely to cool off in…however, I seriously thought snow would begin falling! They hold Christmas Carol concerts down in the cave and I thought that was pretty cool. While I was walking in the cave, I thought how cool it would be to bring a guitar down there and play and sing. After my short tour of the cave, I decided to hike down to the river trail. It was a great, easy walk down hill (little did I realize it would be a nightmare hiking back UP the hill!). I eventually landed at this beautiful look out on a wooden boardwalk. It overlooked an opening to a cave that had water dripping down. The sound of the falling water was beautiful and the whole scene just called me to sit down and stay for awhile. So I stayed, looked, took a couple of pictures, and journaled. On my painful uphill hike, I saw a deer across the trail from me! It was a good picture op. On my way out of the park, I saw another deer right by the side of my car! It was amazing. So, back on the highway, heading towards Wilmore, KY, I pulled off again when I saw the signs for Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace! It was neat to see. He really was born in a log cabin! I took a picture of the spring that was on his property. It was beautiful!

At 7 pm I was in Wilmore. I love this town so much. It is perfect. Simply perfect with hanging baskets of flowers from the lamp posts. I kind of had this thing on my road trip where I would stop for food when I saw a Chick-Fil-A sign and I’d stop for gas when I saw a BP sign (I like the green and yellow flower on their signs). Well, all day on I looked for a Chick-Fil-A sign and the hungrier I got, the more determined I was that certainly the NEXT exit would have one. But the next exit never had one. I survived on Gatorade from the BP station and an oatmeal and raisin granola bar that was in my glovebox. As you can well imagine, by 7 pm, I was famished! And guess what the truly amazing thing is: Ryan had Chick-Fil-A coupons! The world can’t get much better, now can it? So, we were soon on our way into Lexington to dine at Chick-Fil-A, and what a beautiful ride into town it was as we listened to autumn sounding music and I learned about the big things of hay! I couldn’t believe that Ryan had only been to Chick-Fil-A one other time…how in the world can someone not dine regularly at Chick-Fil-A…I’ll never understand! We then did one of my most favorite things in the world: stopped for ice cream! We both had raspberry ice cream with chocolate chunks, although I got way more chocolate chunks than he did: I won there. Afterwards, we headed back to Main Street and enjoyed an evening of listening to Bob and the rain. There really isn’t anything better than rain! Even the thunder and lightning were great fun. Saturday was the best day ever! The drive into town was so great because there were clouds over head and it was the most comfortable weather ever. We ate at the most peculiar fast food restaurant I’ve ever been to. It was a Long John Silver’s and A&W (we were not there for the fried fast seafood…which I find a little fishy!, we were there for the root beer!). Napoleon Dynamite was next on our agenda. We saw it in the neatest movie theater I’ve ever been to. It was old fashioned and the in the theater itself it felt like something out of EPCOT (namely the Mexico attraction as Ryan pointed out). Napoleon was way fun to watch again! A strange, bizarre movie. It was then time to head over to Joseph-Beth’s a bookstore like Barnes and Noble (complete with an escalator…how fun are those??!!). Time was spent poring over children’s classics until Ryan decided upon Peter Pan and The Wind and the Willows (also picking up Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland for me!!). Really, there’s no greater section in a bookstore than the children’s department. We got some Super Food, which I was quite scared of when I opened mine up (a smoothie of sorts) because the cap looked like mold (but there was no mold). I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was! On our way back on the winding roads leading to Wilmore, it began raining. It rained a lot, and I even saw a rainbow! Ryan’s poor kittens were caught outside in the torrential downpour and although I felt sorry for them, I just had to laugh. Wet cats are probably one of the funniest things EVER. After a dinner of pizza without spicy banana peppers, we did a little reading on Peter Pan outside on the neatest swing EVER! Now, what makes a swing the neatest EVER?! Well, when it sits outside in a green field amidst trees, fireflies, and frolicking kittens, it’s pretty much the neatest swing EVER…even when it’s wet from the rain. As it began to get dark, we decided to go see if we could rent the DVD of Peter Pan in the neatest video store EVER! Now, what makes a video store the neatest EVER?! Well, when you go in and instead of picking a video off the shelf, you just take a little tag hanging on a hook in front of the video, it’s pretty much the neatest video store EVER…even when they’re out of Peter Pan on DVD. Well, the disappointment of a failed venture to the video store was relieved some by two soft kittens (maybe the rain did their fur some good) who crawled up into our laps on the back porch where we spent the evening petting a purring May and Freddy. So ended my Wilmore/Ryan visit, which even without the Tallons or Icthus, was the best visit to Wilmore EVER.

On Sunday I was on the road again at around 9:30. Sunday was my longest driving day ever. I was heading to Jacksonville to see Kate and Jon. The 11 hr drive passed very quickly due to my new cds (thanks for the great mixes, Ryan)…but guess what?! I didn’t get to eat all day because it was SUNDAY and Chick-Fil-A’s are closed on Sundays. So, lots of Gatorade and 3 granola bars were enjoyed. Around 8:30 pm I arrived in Jacksonville at Kate and Jon’s lovely home with wooden floors and high ceilings! Jon had cooked a wonderful dinner of the fanciest ravioli ever and for dessert we had my favorite, ice cream (but with raspberry sauce on top which was quite the delicious treat). We ended up watching, quite possibly, the craziest movie ever! Now, what makes a movie the craziest EVER?! I can’t really go into that here on my blog, but take my word for it. We saw Bubba Ho-Temp….and then it was bedtime.

I got home around 10:30 this morning. My cats seemed happy to see me. Chloe wouldn’t let me touch her, but that’s usual. She did lay at my feet while I checked my email. Saffie purred loudly and took a nap with me. Oh, sweet Saffie. The rental car was returned, my laundry still isn’t done, and I begin school tomorrow…which is sad. But, at least I’m high off the heels of the best road trip EVER.

If you actually read to the end of this rather lengthy blog, thanks. Come again J.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fitting that the best trip EVER should be followed by the longest blog EVER. Thanks for dropping by. ;)

11:37 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

wow, what a great trip! so now you've had super food. isn't that an awesome name for a drink? i always have it over at my friend teddy's house and we pretend we're super heroes. i've never met anyone else who's even heard of it.

i want hilary's cd so bad! i have not seen a cinderella story yet. i am so behind in the summer movie department. my parents don't really like going to the movies, so i only get to go if i really beg or if my brother or sister takes me. i'll try to see it, though.

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had an awesome time. I love Napoleon. Have I mentioned that? Oh, well I do. I'm glad you like DC4C. =D I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO SCHOOL WITH YOU!
KEH =)

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I loved your blog..very interesting! I grew up going to the Smokey Mountains every summer to visit my grandma and I went to Gatlinburg for my honeymoon. Even when you've seen those glorious mountains a million times, you NEVER get tired of it. It's always breathtaking! My sisters and I go there every year for our anual Ya-Ya Sisterhood vacation. STILL breathtaking. I'm glad you got to experience them :) i call it God's country!
Joy =)

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like an awesome journey! I have the sudden urge to just leave the 321 and go on a road trip! Plus, Chick-Fil-A might be the best fast food ever.

9:25 PM  

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