Thursday, July 08, 2004

The Funniest Day...EVER

Today was one of those glorious days that you wished could happen over and over, but are glad only come around once in a while so that you can truly treasure them. Karen, Philip, and Marnie Jane arrived in town from Scotland last night and somewhere around 8:30 this morning my phone rang! Usually I do not like it when the phone rings; I am not a phone person (however, when the ALIAS theme song used to be my cell phone ring, I’d call myself just to hear it!). Anyway, Karen’s bright and happy voice was on the other end and instantly my heart began beating faster than usual and I started to pace back and forth (something I tend to do when I am very excited and talking on the phone). Oh happy day! The Tallons and I would spend the day together…and it was all to start at Taco Bell!

Now, I feel that I should mention that the last time I ate at Taco Bell was about 5 years ago. It was late one Wednesday evening and I was returning home from youth group (I worked for a year and a half as a youth director at a small Methodist church in Homestead). I was hungry, but wasn’t planning on cooking anything. However, what a great surprise I found waiting for me! A friend of mine had eaten at Taco Bell and brought me 2 chulupas because every time I saw a commercial for the new chulupa, I commented on how fun I thought it was to say “chulupa.” I ate those babies quickly and soon after retired for the evening. All of a sudden, well past midnight, I sat straight up in bed. Something had gone terribly wrong. I immediately got out of bed and began the walk to the bathroom. I didn’t make it, though. Instead, I threw up all over my roommate’s bed, as she was sleeping in it, and also on the floor, which was carpeted. I then proceeded to the bathroom to continue purging myself of the chulupas. Poor Sharon…she was such a great sport about the whole thing too, since it took us forever to get the smell out of the room! People refused to come inside our room and would instead stand in our doorway to talk to us. Anyway, I had kind of written off Taco Bell since the Big Chulupas Gone Wrong of 1999. (Much like I’ve sworn off iced sugar cookies since I ate too many, which also induced vomiting, for Valentine’s Day when I was in the 2nd grade.)

Anyhow, Philip really wanted to go to Taco Bell, so who was I to argue? I eased back into the Taco Bell dining experience with a Burrito Supreme, which I found terribly difficult to consume. Karen told me that the trick to proper consumption was to bite and suck the gooey contents of the burrito simultaneously. I was not going to do that and could not finish the last bit of the burrito because it became too taxing and messy to eat. After Taco Bell, which was very fun, we went to Melbourne’s Premiere Theatres (that is what the newly and nicely renovated theaters are called) to see Shrek 2. This was my second viewing and I was able to pick up on several more allusions, which was great fun. It was Marnie’s first movie and her eyes were glued to the screen…no lie! She was perfect throughout the whole movie…not like one of those kids who cries or makes noise during the entire movie and you just want to yell out, “TAKE YOUR KID OUT OF THE MOVIE, PLEASE!”

The fun didn’t end when Shrek 2 was over. I haven’t even gotten to the best part of my day yet!! After the movie, we went back to Philip’s parents’ house and stared at Marnie for a bit…until she pooped while I was holding her. When that happened, I quickly handed her back to Karen! Karen’s parents soon arrived, and one of her aunts, and the JOKE-A-LYMPICS began! Now, I may need to catch some of my readers up…Philip, who is pretty much funny “all the time”, and I decided to have a joke contest to determine who was the funnier one. The terms were: 3 ORINGINAL jokes a piece and the loser was to buy the winner ice cream. Not bad, right? Well, at the last moment, Karen decided to jump aboard the joke train and so the three of us were facing off with our jokes today. Their parents, and Karen’s aunt, were our judges for our three rounds of hilarity. It was great! The adrenaline was rushing and I was jumping up and down, which I tend to do in moments of extreme excitement…and then…we told our jokes!

After the votes were in and the points were tallied, we had a winner! Are you ready for the results? Coming in first, with 34 points was…KAREN JANE TALLON. I am very happy for her! Truly! And TYING for runners up, both with 33 points, proving to be equally matched in humor and in wit (well, maybe not quite since some judges didn’t quite follow the rules), were…ALISA BETH and PHILIP! So, I tied with Philip. I was pretty pleased. Of course I rummaged through the score cards until I found one that had voted me in first place. I took that card, secured it in my back pocket, and am planning on mounting it in my scrapbook.

After the Joke-A-Lympics, we enjoyed a very nice dinner…and now I’m back at home after one glorious, funny day.


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