Thursday, July 15, 2004

She's still Katie from the block...

Kate was my best friend at Palm Bay High school this past year. I will never forget the first day I met her and the moment we began becoming friends. I think it's neat when you're able to look back on a friendship and pinpoint the moment that made all the difference from acquaintence and friend. I remember noticing Kate because I liked her skirt, a black skirt with white polka dots (how I love polka dots). I was glad to learn that she was coming on board the PBHS faculty as a new, first year high school teacher, too. Furthermore, besides teaching French, she was also going to teach English! In the English department meeting on the first day back to school, all the teachers had to introduce themselves. When I introduced myself, another English teacher stood up and said, "I used to be her Brownie scout leader" (while this was true, it was slightly embarassing). Anyway, when Kate introduced herself she said, "My name is Kate. Well, it's really Katie but I told myself that when I got my first real job, I'd start going by Kate." I thought that was kind of funny.

The first day of school can be terrifying for students, but for beginning teachers, it's equally terrifying (although, I found when I taught the first grade I wasn't nearly as nervous!). Anyway, I was returning to the high school from whence I graduated and so of course I knew some people. But, it was strange. I couldn't bring myself to call my former teachers by their first names and I kind of felt like an outsider. When we all broke for lunch, I decided to go sit in Mrs. Graham's room and eat my lunch (she was my favorite teacher in high school and a mentor of sorts). Sadly, I discovered her door was locked. But, all of a sudden, from around the corner, Kate surfaced. Her classroom was 2 doors down from Mrs. Graham! So, I boldly went up to her (as I am sometimes fairly shy) and said, "Hey, can I eat lunch with you?"

And that was the moment that we began becoming friends: we ate lunch, discovered that we were the same age, talked about our visits to Paris, and she graciously gave me some storage space in her classroom (because for the first 9 weeks of school, I was a floating teacher).

Our friendship developed over lunch together in the faculty room. Fortunately, she had third period planning, so she was able to meet me during my lunch time. We generally had a great time eating our lunches and skeptically listening to surrounding conversations. We exchanged knowing glances when something questionable, or extremely funny, happened. She was the one to whom I could vent about my rotten third period class (although, they weren't rotten all the time!). Having Kate for a friend was great fun. She knew my limits, and respected them (for instance: I lean towards being a bit of homebody, so she wouldn't push me to go to the County Line...although, she did appreciate my red boots! However, I had no problem going over to her apartment to watch TV!!).

Having her there was invaluable. She moved on to Jacksonville to be near her boyfriend, Jon. But, guess what, he's not her boyfriend any more (this is in fact what prompted me to write about Kate today). Jon is now her fiance!!! I am very happy for Kate and Jon! Yay!!! They were engaged earlier this month. So, while I'm kind of sad that I'll be flying solo next year during lunch, I'm thrilled that she's up in JAX and engaged!

I will ALWAYS fondly think of Kate whenever I drive by Jason's Deli. I will ALWAYS laugh when I hear someone refer to Jennifer Lopez as J-Lo because I liked to call Kate, K-Lo. And I'm pretty sure that when something pretty funny happens in the faculty lunch room, I'll look around the room to make eye contact with Kate...and I'll miss her.

But anyway, Congratulations, Kate!


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