Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Cinderella and Unexpected Emails

Emily Sue and I have been awaiting A Cinderella Story for nearly 6 months!  Today we met for lunch, me in my Cinderella shirt and sparkly blue headband, and then headed to the movies.  EVERY SEAT IN THE THEATER WAS FILLED (that should tell you that people DO want to see this movie).  Whoever gave A Cinderella Story only two stars, LIED.  I would give it ten!  Seriously, it was THAT good!  Oh man, it was everything I expected it would be!  Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray delivered stellar performances.  Prince Charming had a Bob Dylan picture in his room!  RUN to see this movie.  It will not disappoint.
On to unexpected emails...
Yesterday evening I heard from two dear friends...right out of the blue!  Nothing is lovelier than getting back in contact with such a dear friend!  And, lucky for me, it happened TWICE last night.
If you've been following my blog, you may remember the rather lengthy entry about the Opossum Excavation of 2000.  The friend who starred in that entry was Patrick!  I heard from Patrick yesterday!!! Yay!!!  The last time I saw Patrick was last summer at his beautiful wedding! Theirs was truly an amazing wedding!!   Patrick and Aubrey got married on top of a Tennessee mountain in a beautiful chapel called The Chapel of the Good Shepherd.  Their ceremony was more than just a wedding, it was also a worship service, which was just neat to be a part of.  The coolest thing EVER was that Patrick wrote Aubrey a song and played and sang it for her...AND...Aubrey wrote Patrick a song and sang it for him!  It was truly beautiful!  It was the first time I had met Aubrey, and sadly, since she was the bride, I only got to talk to her for about five minutes. She was one of those people who just glowed!  Just from the 5 minutes I talked to her, I could tell she was awesome!  She's the kind of person who I would have wanted to be good friends with had we gone to the same school.  Plus, she loves Anne of Green Gables, so she scored some major points there :-).  Anyway, Patrick was like a brother to me during college...such a dear friend.  I always thank God when I remember him.  Well, the amazing thing is this: just yesterday I was thinking about my upcoming road trip and trying to figure out if I could arrange a visit to see Patrick and Aubrey and yesterday evening I got an email from Patrick!  Very cool!  So, hopefully, I get to see the Jensens very soon!!
Well, I was flying high yesterday evening...and then it got even better!
I heard from a dear old friend, Angel!  Have you ever had a friendship that just happened so suddenly and the physical time together was so short?!  And it was just so unbelievable what a great friendship it was?!  That's what happened with Angel and me.  She was a senior when I was a freshman at UM.  I don't remember her AT all during my freshman year, but I remember that summer after freshman year before she moved to NY to begin law school.  All of a sudden, we were like best friends!  She spent the night on the floor of Wesley Room 7 (my first Wesley room) and we'd stay up all night!  We laughed uncontrollably together and shared a love for the Gap (I still wear that tank top you bought me, Angel!).  We saw Brokedown Palace together, and cried and cried!  We went to the sneak preview of Ever After together!!  We talked on the phone for hours (and, I am NOT a phone person).  I have only dear, sweet memories of our short time together.  Then she was off to Pace University to become a big lawyer (which she is today!!).  We saw each the following summer when she flew in and surprised me!  (I LOVE LOVE LOVE the airport, so when a friend suggested that we go to the Miami airport just for fun and to eat lunch, I was all over it!  I suspected NOTHING!  When we got to the airport I said, "Hey, can we go to a gate and watch people get off the plane before we eat lunch?"  My friend thought it was too easy, and steered me right to Angel's gate.  Sure enough, she came walking up...and it was SUCH a surprise!!)  And, I haven't seen Angel since.  We've had only a few emails back and forth and she's sent me a Christmas card nearly every year, but we just haven' t been in touch.  But, last night, it felt like no time had passed at all and we picked right back up where we left off!
I really think that friendships are one of God's GREATEST blessings to us!  I am so thankful.


Blogger Wendy said...

That's really awesome to have a friend like that. I think me and Kate are like that, where we just pick up where we left off. I want to see A Cinderella Story, too! I love Hilary Duff.

1:20 AM  

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