Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Latest Blog EVER

I think this is probably the latest blog that I've ever posted, but that's kind of fun. After talking to Kelly tonight, she brought some things to my attention, so I thought I'd post an update. If you're a regular reader, you might remember my list of Things That I Want To Do While I Am 25 (in no particular order) that I posted back on June 14 (my 25th birthday). Well, let's just see where I stand.

1. Read More (this includes the Bible, general fiction, classics, and things concerning theological matters)
I've been doing this...completing Peter Pan, beginning The Wind and the Willows and Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland (all of which I consider classics); just this Tuesday when I should have been paying attention in Bible study, I read the books of Amos and Obadiah (they're not that long, but it does classify as reading more of the Bible, now doesn't it?), I've had to read general fiction as I've been trying to read the 10th grade text book which I begin teaching in less than a week, and as for theological matters? Well, I began a book of 10 of John Wesley's sermons on the Holy Spirit before June 14, but I finished it after (so I guess that counts).
2. Write a song (but not just any song: one that I wouldn't mind playing for someone...also, I'd like to just once write a song that is not in the key of E or capoed on the third fret in the key of G - I too easily fall into ruts)
Well, I've kind of been working on this one since around the end of April. A working title is Non-Negotiables (I guess I should take the time to figure out how to spell that properly...oh well). However, even thought it's not done, I'm not quite to the point of playing it for someone (which is stupid, I know).
3. Win the Jokealympics AND continue making up really funny jokes :-)
If you ask Karen's mom, I DID win the Jokealympics. I am still coming up with the goods though, I really am THAT funny!
4. Win the affections of my mean, fat cat (a girl can dream, can't she?)
I still haven't accomplished winning the affections of my mean, fat cat (Chloe), but I did sort of win over May (Ryan's kitten...but she was cold and wet and probably would have loved anyone warm and dry).
5. Stop procrastinating as much as I do (I can't say stop procrastinating completely because quite honestly, I recognize an impossible feat when I see one)
That's a negative.
6. Memorize scripture (this is something that I haven't done since I made my first graders memorize a verse each week)
Well, I haven't done this either, but just today I quoted 2 Bible verses to a friend during a chat! That should count for sometheeeeng :-).
7. Go on an adventurous road trip to see/meet dear friends (which will hopefully happen at the end of July, but it won't be to the Grand Canyon...that'll come one day)
If anyone cared to read the longest blog ever, you know this indeed happened.
8. Try every single flavor smoothie at Melbourne's Tropical Smoothie (even though some will be un-tasty, at least I can say I've tried them, I can boast that I tried all 36 flavors of Coca Cola products at the Coke Factory...I walked away with the stomach ache to prove it)
Sadly, this hasn't happened. I'm well on my way...give me time.
9. Teach someone something that s/he will remember, and appreciate, for the rest of his/her life.
Kelly told me today that I accomplished this and she's living proof. Man, I love you, Kelly!
10. Move away from Palm Bay (not that I don't enjoy living here at the moment, I'd like to see myself move on during the next year, however, since my birthday falls in the beginning of the summer, chances are I'll be 26 before I leave)
Ok, we know this hasn't happened. But, it will. Yes, it will.
11. Get happy, yellow shoes
This nearly happened when I was in Nashville, but sadly when I found the very low top yellow Converse shoes that I so wanted (they're called SUNSHINE, how happy is that?), they didn't have my all.
12. Go to some pretty awesome concerts (like Aaron Carter?...more like Bleeding Charity :-), Derek and Sandra, Bob, Dave Matthews Band, Switchfoot among others)
Haven't been to one yet...but 2 are on the horizon. In October I will travel to Atlanta to see Derek and Sandra in concert and the following week I will see old school Amy Grant. Maybe I'll see Relient K in September if the CIA (Christians in Action) goes to Rock the Universe. I would have seen Taking Back Sunday with Kelly, but she ditched me for her grandparents? What?!

So now, it's 11:45 pm, which is late. I am going to bed...soon.


Blogger Kate said...

i LOVE anne of green gables! i just recently finished reading anne's house of dreams, and when i got to the part where anne and gilbert get married i just cried and cried. (happy crying, not sad crying). i've heard there's a movie of the first book, which i'd like to rent but i keep forgetting.

6:48 PM  

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