Wednesday, August 11, 2004

the best second day of school...EVER

What's more fun than watching Napoleon Dynamite? Hanging out with Kelly and quoting the movie all day! Oh my goodness, what an awesomely fantastic day we had today. Kelly, sadly, is not going to return as a Pirate at PBHS and has to go to Indian River High (in Sebastian) this year. Her first day is next Monday, so she came up to PBHS and spent the day as my special visitor in my classroom.

Funny things that happened because Kelly visited me today:
1. Kelly printed out a Pegasus Xing sign and hung it on my door (the very sign that hangs on Napoleon's door)
2. At lunch, Kelly fell down the stairs...only to be followed by me falling up the stairs (we're quite the pair)
3. During planning, we went to visit El Bigote. Fun times.
4. Also during planning, I took her to see the new building and she saw the new cute teachers, too.
5. During 4th period (the out of control class with all the "hot boys"), they made 6 frame comics to demonstrate their understanding of the bare bones of a plot...totally inspired by Kelly, the Awesome Comic Maker (she draws the best comics...EVER).
6. We sang the first verse to "Ice Ice Baby" together and she did the opening to Napoleon's awesome dance.
7. After school, Shane came by for a visit and they both wrote things in masking tape on the chalk board (wasting tape and time) while Kelly and I cracked our tired selves up with one lines from Napoleon ("Why is that?", "Are you serious?", "Be good to me!" Kip is freaking awesome!)
8. We went to Friendly's where we ordered ourselves some "dang quesadil-las" (another Napoleon allusion).
9. We followed our dang quesadil-las up with some tasty Happy Ending sundaes (which ended our happy times perfectly). Cookies and cream with peanutbutter topping. Yum.
10. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, we teamed up and told the daily jokes together! I let her deliver the punchlines!

So, I had the best time with Kelly as my special visitor. Although, she got pretty tired of hearing me teach the same lesson and read the same story three periods in a row! (I'm just glad that I teach two different grades now. Last year I was teaching the same freaking thing 5 times in a row!) I love you, Kelly, mi hermanita! Te estrano mucho! (I only wish you knew what I just said...maybe your second time around in Spanish 1 you'll pick something up!)

Hmmm...I still didn't post about my first day of school. Hhhhhhhhhh (thank you, Napoleon), I'll maybe do that tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALISA BETH! you rock! I had an awesome time with you today! I was really happy to see everyone. It was a good day!!!!!

"Kip hasn't done flippin' anything today!"

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i got so confused when the first day was second and the second day was first.
but now i've figured it out!
today was a fun day in your class, it was so awesome having kelly there.
it makes me so sad she does't go to PBHS.
i'm so jealous that you've seen ND more than once.
which is the number of times i have.

8:05 PM  

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