Tuesday, August 24, 2004

volleyball skillzzz

Hey guys. For those of you who're interested, here's a recap of the big day's volleyball game:

2:00 pm -- my sub comes to relieve me, good ole' Mr. K (the orchestra teacher)
2:10 pm -- I've changed into my "gym clothes" and return to my classroom to drop off my "school clothes". My students are surprisingly supportive and I was sent to the gym with good luck wishes.
2:15 pm -- 10 minutes before the gym is to get PACKED. A sweet, sweet student of mine, Akaila, comes over to teach me a few things. I learned how to set, bump, and serve the ball (she wasn't playing, she was a line judge). I practiced for about 10 minutes or so.
2:25 pm -- the gym fills up QUICKLY. Whoa...the adrenaline is RUSHING. And guess what!? Nick, the teacher who dragged me into this mess in the first place...is...a...no show??!! Oh my goodness...we were in it together. Still, I can't believe he stood me up like he did.
2:30 -- the game begins! The faculty had 7 players playing, so I took turns going in and out with another player. I played the back (which meant I had to serve), and she played the net (which meant she was the one who had to worrry about getting hit in the face with the ball).
2:30 -- 3:05 pm -- Every single one of my serves made it in, save for one. I was totally on a roll. Sure, I was the only one who couldn't (and didn't even attempt to) serve the ball overhead, but that's ok. However, I didn't do too well when the ball came to me. I ran away from a few fast ones and the ones that I braved, I usually missed (but, I went down swinging). The few that I made contact with either: hit the HIGE ceiling, went into the crowd, or didn't get much height at all.
3:05 pm -- a huge fight broke out in the stands. Mass chaos ensued. The game ended.

The highlight: 3 of my boy students screamed out MISS MIX. So, I looked up into the stands and they had taken masking tape and spelled out on their shirts: M - I - X. However, they were standing in reverse order, so it read X - I - M. Anyway, I smiled!!!

The faculty did win the first game (but with no help from fumbling Mix). We were tied for the second game before the fight broke out. So there you have it. Alisa Beth Mix played volleyball. Amazing, yes, I know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened with the fight? What caused it? Maybe someone was slamming you and the M-I-X boys stood up for you? ....rp

6:27 PM  

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