Saturday, October 02, 2004

Come on now, it wasn't THAT complicated, Felicity!

Honesly, who in her right mind would have picked Ben over Noel? Ok, Felicity, sure you followed Ben 3,000 because you were so in love with him (although you didn't even KNOW him), but when you met Noel, how come you couldn't forget about idiotic Ben? Oh, because it was "complicated"? Puh-lease! The decision wouldn't have been that hard for me! First of all, just look at those boys! Of course Noel is the way cuter one (not that looks are everything, I must sound quite vain right now). Second of all, Noel was WAY more reliable, dependable, trustworthy than stupid "I can't get it together" Ben. Third of all, Ben was a cheater! Ok, one might argue that Felicity was a cheater too since she did get together with Noel WHILE she was technically still with Ben (but, Ben was such a jerk to her!). Noel was the smart nerdy one and the sweet sensitive one. Why, Felicity, WHY did you have to go with Ben?! I really should get over this, shouldn't I? They're not even real people. I need to keep reminding myself. Posted by Hello


Blogger Kate said...

ok which one's ben and which one's noel?

12:54 PM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

Noel is the cuter one, obviously! Just kidding. Ben is on the left, the blonde, shorter, not as cute one. Noel is on the right. I guess I should have clarified that, right?

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not going to debate somebody who is far more up to date on her Felicity plotlines than I am, so I'll keep my mouth shut for now. :-) I will say that I think when I get my next full season DVD version of a show it will be Felicity.

6:04 AM  

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