Saturday, October 02, 2004

Today I Saw This:

I saw Shark Tale today. I still haven't seen First Daughter (starring my good friend, Joey Potter, oh, I mean Katie Holmes). I still haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite for the 5th time (I'm waiting until it moves over to the $1 theater and then you can count on me going about 5 more times). But, I did see Shark Tale. One of the funniest parts was the incorporation of Katie Couric as "Katie Current." They even captured Katie Couric's gloopy mascara and pink frosted lipstick on Katie Current's fish character. One mystery is: How can "they" let Katie Couric continue to go on air every single morning with gloopy, clumpy mascara and pink frosted lipstick (which surely went out of style in the 60's)? Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the only movie on my "to see" list until "The Incredibles" come out, so I'll probably go see it next weekend.

5:47 AM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

Before SHARK TALE, there was a new, longer preview for THE INCREDIBLES than the one that I've seen previously. Looks...GREAT! :-)

3:23 PM  

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