Tuesday, August 17, 2004

random things that happened today

1. A student made fun of my shoes. He whispered to another student, "Miss Mix is wearing bowling shoes." I have good ears so of course I heard him. I quickly responded with, "They're saddle shoes!" So he said, "Ok, you're wearing fancy bowling shoes."

2. This evening I ran into a student and her dad in Publix. (She was my student last year and I miss her terribly this year. We both are deathly afraid of squirrels because of close encounters.) I got to meet her dad, who had great things to say to me about how he appreciated me teaching his daughter. Then, she said, "Hey, you're wearing saddle oxfords!" (Sweet justice! One student makes fun, another makes my day by noticing my shoes for what they are.)

3. A student made me a nice CD, to which I thanked her by drawing her a picture. If you're interested in seeing my mad drawing skillz (oh yes, I have talent), you can visit her livejournal because she scanned the picture in there. http://www.livejournal.com/users/i_want_your_x/

4. A student of mine showed up to my class wearing a bright yellow shirt (because she was in dress code violation and had to change her shirt) and it instantly brought the day's writing response to mind: Make a list of yellow things. It proved to be a GREAT writing response. And boy, oh boy, my students are CREATIVE! Great fun. [some responses were: the bag for peanut M&Ms, the YELLOW SUBMARINE (pure genius, I'm telling you), school buses, yield signs, number 2 pencils...just to name a few]

5. My online attendance, email, and internet were not working in my classroom, so I reported it. Mr. AV came up to fix it and in front of my entire class said, "Well, all you needed to do was restart the machine!" So, I felt dumb. Oh well.

Dinner is ready so there is no more time to talk about things that happened today.


Blogger Meg said...

Yellow things:

middle light bulbs on street lights (YELLOW caution lights, right?)
the sun, everybody's favorite star
rain coats in the opening credits to Singing in the Rain, one of the best movies ... EVER
Dory in Finding Nemo is YELLOW and blue
cala lilies (ok, not all of them, but some of them are!)
torilla chips made from YELLOW corn
YELLOW bell peppers (how many other yellow vegatables are there, I wonder?)
Starry Night by Van Gogh

That was fun and a great idea. It took me a while to think of things that were yellow which everyone would recognize or at least aknowledge.

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

- post-it notes
- the yellow pages
- lakers jerseys
- camp fires
- baby ducklings/chicks
- cliffnotes
- deer crossing signs
- crayola boxes
- the abc logo
- sunflowers/daisies/dandelions
- lemons
- cats' eyes

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your mom

6:15 PM  

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