Sunday, October 03, 2004

My Sweet Kind of Little Sisters

This picture was taken in my classroom Friday morning when two of my favorite girls in the whole wide world came by for an early morning visit! Kristin, the lovely girl on the right, has pretty much the coolest shoe collection in the world which include hot pink kangaroo shoes and bright green Converse. I've dared her to wear her bright green Converse on a game day when she's wearing her cheerleading uniform, but I doubt she'll do it :-). Kelly, Kristin, and I all saw Napoleon Dynamite together on opening night. We enjoy quoting the movie to each other. Kristin and I have both seen it 4 times. Kelly has got us beat though. She's seen it 5. Kristin does THE BEST Kip impersonation on this side of the Mississippi. You think you know, but you have NO idea. Anyway, I love these girls. They're like the little sisters who I've always wanted. Sadly, Kelly has moved on to a different high school. BUT, this is the second year in a row that I have Kristin...yay! She's got practically my same exact schedule that I had when I was in 10th grade (except she has a FAR cooler English teacher than I had!). ;) I enjoy hearing all the tales of Mr. Pekich (the mean chemistry machine), Mrs. Graham (only the best history teacher who ever lived), and Mrs. Dayton (a teacher who enjoys cornflakes!). I would also like to mention that Kristin made me the best picture EVER with me and a certain chemistry teacher! Too funny for words! If only I had a scanner, I'd scan it in.Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MIX MASTA! I'm flattered that you consider me "the little sister that you never had" (along with Kelly)! I'm the oldest child, so it's like you are the older sister that I never had. I really like that picture, I think I'm even going to print it out and put it in a frame! I've been so lucky to have you as a teacher these past two years and even if you're not my 11th or 12th grade English teacher, I'll be sure to stick around. There's always Future Problem Solvers, National Honor Society, and perhaps a few semsters of "Independent Creative Writing". =) I'm glad you enjoy my Kip impersonation. I agree with you on how awesome it is. I cannot wait until Napoleon comes out on DVD. Maybe you should make an English project out of it. Well, I'm outtie 5,000.(I've never really understood that phrase.) Peace Out.

PS- We'll see on Thursday what shoes I am wearing. 8)

11:44 AM  

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