Sunday, October 24, 2004


On any other Sunday, instead of finding me in front of my computer, you'd probably find me in the midst of worship at church. I woke up too late to make it this morning. I would just go to the late service, but I have lunch plans (which doesn't happen often) :-). So, I'm just going to hang out and enjoy a lazy Sunday morning and I'll fill you in on some things that happened yesterday. I will go in reverse order of my day (that way if you get bored reading, you'll have at least read the most exciting part of my day which occurred last).

Andrew Peterson Concert

The last time I say Andy P. was on Sept. 11, 2001. I remember the evening quite well. My mom and I were going to make the trek to Florida Christian College as soon as we both got off work. I got off early due to the traumatic events of Sept. 11 (I was working in the coffee/tea shop and we didn't have one customer after about 9:30) and headed over to Best Buy to purchase Bob Dylan's new relase Love and Theft. In the parking lot there were some people selling special edition newspaper inserts of the events of Sept. 11. I picked one of those up, too, and then headed to get my mom. We both thought it might not be the best thing to spend the evening at CD release party...but our love for music urged to go ahead with our plans. That was a great concert. Andy P.'s dad was there and he's a minister, so there was a pretty somber part of the concert where his dad came up and we prayed. So that was 3 years ago and Andy P. has shaken things up a bit: his guitarist, Gabe Scott, has left for the call of Bebo (crazy, I know), and his wife, Jamie P., has taken to staying at home with their three small children. This go around, Andy P. took two of his musician friends on the road. I'm so glad he did; they were amazing.

Apparently, this concert was very last minute. The tickets were WAY cheap ($5), it was at Florida Christian College (which is where Andy P. and Jamie P. went to school) and there were probably about 30 people there. I of course snagged front row seats (wasn't a hard feat this time around). While the massive crowd was gathering, Andy P. walked out to get something off the stage. I took this as an opportunity to go up to him and casually request a couple of songs. We talked a bit and seriously, he might be the nicest guy in the world!

He sang my requested songs and tons of others. The show began at 7 and I finally was getting out of the uncomfortable chair around 10!! I was pleased to get his newest CD, a Christmas concept album (with Derek singing one of the tracks...such a surprise). I would go into great detail about the stories that he told and the songs that he sang, but I think only about 2 of my regular readers know Andy P., and I'll fill them in on the concert later (and Jed, he played your song, "Mary Picked the Roses", and told a hilarious story about the song...I can't wait to send you the tape for you to hear it! You will crack up!).

Share the Well

The newest Caedmon's Call CD, which dropped on Oct. 12, is finally mine. I'm actually listening to it now as I write this post. It's wonderful! It's so completely different from any other project they've ever put out. I have a feeling that a lot of people who would never call themselves Caedmon's fans would actually really love this CD. I am SO freaking pleased that Danielle has SUCH a presence on this album. Let me give you a history of Danielle's voice (which has been completely underused):

My Calm//Your Storm -- she sings 2 tracks
Self-Titled -- 1 song
40 Acres -- 2 songs
Long Line of Leavers -- 2 songs
In the Company of Angels -- 2 songs
Back Home -- 3 songs

I am happy that I will be needing to make a new Danielle mixed CD now with the edition of 4 more songs (she's even more present in the BGV's on this album). Let me tell you how much I love Danielle! I love her a lot. When my mom and I drove up to Atlanta for my grandmother's birthday (and also that phat Derek/Sandra concert), my mom paid me the greatest compliment EVER as I was singing along to some song. She said, "You know, your voice really matches Danielle's!" Thankyouverymuch! I was thrilled with the comparisson! (Now of course, she is my mom and moms tend to be bias.)

So the new CD is mine!

Saving Christmas

Oh Ben Affleck, what happened to you? I just don't think that he's getting any good guidance in picking movies. I saw his new movie, which by the previews looked really cute and fun. In reality, you can miss this movie this holiday season. I was hoping to see a Christmas movie to jumpstart the holidays (it's never too early to get into the Christmas spirit!). Although the movie was a Christmas one, it was also a bad one. Oh well. I think it's only a matter of 2 and a half weeks until the pure magic of Finding Neverland hits theaters.

Forces of Nature

I began yesterday morning by watching Forces of Nature on TBS. Ok, I love this movie and could NEVER tire of watching it. This hit the theaters in 1999, right in the hight of my fascination with Ben Affleck (yes, I used to think he was cute...used to). If you haven't seen this movie, you pretty much should. Go to the video store and rent it (or wait for it to come on TBS again). The movie is visually beautiful. I also love the ending and find it so totally unbelievable how some people who shall remain nameless had wished for a different ending. I won't say any more about the ending of the movie because I do realize that some people don't like to know the endings of movies before they see them (I am not one of those people; I enjoy knowing what is going to happen). But, if you've seen it, you know what I mean.

That's all for now. Happy Sunday, everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you finally got the CD because I have been very tempted to send you samples, but I knew it would lessen the impact of hearing it all for the first time, so I waited. Andy is awesome, and it's between him and Derek for coolest artist as an actual person.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alisa Beth:

Is there any way I could mail you a blank cd for a copy of that Andy show bootlegged? Id love to have an Andy bootleg.

Alisa (the other one)

1:39 AM  
Blogger alisa beth said...

Hey Alisa. I'd be happy to burn you a copy of the Andy CD (you don't have to send me a blank CD). However, it'll be a couple weeks though because I'm first sending the tapes of the Derek/Sandra and Andy shows to my friend who's going to put them in MP3 format. prob :-).

6:53 AM  

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